
Working Papers

"Financing Costs and Development" (November 2023). Joint with Bruno Martins, Joe Kaboski and Cézar Santos. R&R at the American Economic Review.

     Featured in: Valor Econômico

 Brazilian Econometric Society Prize: Best Applied Macro Paper Presented at the 

      2019 SBE meeting (2nd place)

     Column of Valor Econômico on the paper. See also another related column. WP: CEPR

"A City of God: Afterlife Beliefs and Job Support in Brazil." Joint with Sriya Iyer, Christorpher Rauh, Christian Roerig and Maryam Vaziri. R&R at the International Economic Review.

      Column of Valor Econômico on the paper.

      WP: CEPR

"Women and Men at Work: Fertility, Occupational Choice and  Development*  Joint with Letícia Fernandes, Laísa Rachter and Cézar Santos.

Column of Valor Econômico on the paper.

"Does Air Pollution Make Firms Less Innovative?". Joint with Kamiar Mohaddes, Hongyu Nian, Haitao Yin.

Cambridge Working Paper Version: CWPE 2301.

University of Cambridge News: The paper was highlighted by Insight from the Judge Business School.

 "Tighter Credit and Consumer Bankruptcy Insurance." Joint with António Antunes, Caterina Mendicino, Marcel Peruffo and Anne Villamil.

       WP: CEPR

"Less Inequality, More Welfare? A Structural Quantitative Analysis for Brazil". Joint with António Antunes and Juliana  Guimarães.

Main Publications

"Climate Change Mitigation Policies: Aggregate and Distributional Effects" (2023). Forthcoming at Economic Journal.  Joint with Zeina Hasna and Cézar Santos. 

      Feature in: Foco Económico, University of Cambridge Summary  


  Column of Valor Econômico on the paper.

"Entrepreneurship and Misallocation in Production Network Economies" (2023). Forthcoming Economic Theory. joint with Angelo Mendes and Pierluca Pannella.

"More than Words: Leaders’ Speech and Risky Behavior During a Pandemic" (2023). American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 15(3): 351-371. Joint with Nicolás Ajzenman and Daniel Da Mata.

      Featured in: American Economic Association Research Highlight, O Globo, A os Fatos, Exame, Folha, Estadão, La Nacion, Foco Económico, The   Economist, NBC News

      Op-Ed: VoxEU, Covid-19 Reasearch (Cambridge-INET), University of Cambridge summary

      WP: CEPR, Cambridge-INET

  Brazilian Econometric Society Prize: Best Applied Micro Paper Presented at the 

       2020 SBE meeting (1st place); 

       Prêmio Haralambos Simeonidis (2023)

"Slums and Pandemics" (2022). Journal of Development Economics, 157 : 102882.  Joint with Luiz Brotherhood, Daniel da Mata and Cézar Santos.

       Brazilian Econometric Society Prize: Best Applied Macro Paper Presented at the 

       2020 SBE meeting (1st place)

       WP: CEPR, Cambridge-INET

"(Mis)Allocation Effects of an Overpaid Public Sector" (2021). Journal of the European Economic Association, 19(2): 953-999. Joint with Marcelo dos Santos (Companion (online) appendix)

       Brazilian Econometric Society Prize: Best Applied Macro Paper Presented at the 

      2015 SBE meeting (1st place)

      Featured at: Valor Econômico

      Column of Valor Econômico on the paper. WP: CEPR

"Family Planning and Development:Aggregate Effects of Contraceptive Use" (2021). Economic Journal, 131(634): 624–657. Joint with Georgi Kocharkov and Cézar Santos

      Brazilian Econometric Society Prize: Best Applied Macro Paper Presented at the 

      2017 SBE meeting (2nd place)

"On The Determinants of Slum Formation" (2019). Economic Journal, 129(621): 1971-1991. Joint with Daniel da Mata and Marcelo dos Santos

      Brazilian Econometric Society Prize: Best Applied Macro Paper Presented at the 

      2013 SBE meeting (2nd place)

"Winning the Oil Lottery: The Impact of Natural Resource Extraction on Growth" (2019).  Journal of Economic Growth.24(1): 79-115. Joint with Daniel da Mata and Frederik Toscani. 

        Companion video with the geographic distribution of drilling activity in Brazil from 1940- 2000:             

        IMF Research Summary on the paper

"Growth and Human Capital: A Network Approach" (2017). Economic Journal, 127(603): 1279-1317. Joint with Chryssi Giannitsarou.

"Network Cohesion" (2017). Economic Theory, 64(1): 1-21. (Lead article.) Joint with Chryssi Giannitsarou and Charles Johnson.

"Access to Long-Term Credit and Productivity of Small and Medium Firms: A Causal Evidence" (2017) Economics Letters, 150(C): 21-25. Joint with Paulo Vaz.

"The Output Cost of Gender Discrimination: A Model-Based Macroeconomic Estimate" (2016). Economic Journal, 126(590): 109-134. Joint with José Tavares.  

      Press coverage: Time Magazine; VoxEU analysis; O Jornal Económico.

"The Effects of Credit Subsidies on Development" (2015). Economic Theory, 58(1): 1-30. (Lead article.) Joint with António Antunes and Anne Villamil. 

       Results for the Brazilian calibration

       Related article on Brazilian Newspaper Valor Econômico.

"Commodity Price Volatility and the Sources of Growth" (2015). Journal of Applied Econometrics, 30(6): 857-873. Online data supplement. Joint with Kamiar Mohaddes and Mehdi Raissi.

     Data Supplement and data used in this paper

    IMF Working Paper Version: WP/12/12.

"The Welfare Gains of Financial Liberalization: Capital Accumulation and Heterogeneity" (2013). Journal of the European Economic Association, 11(6): 1348-1381. Joint with António Antunes.  

    Extended version with the computation method and some sensitivity analysis

"Costly Intermediation & Consumption Smoothing" (2013).   Economic Inquiry, 51 (1): 459-472. Joint with António Antunes and Anne Villamil.

"Women Prefer Larger Governments:  Growth, Structural Transformation and Government Size" (2011). Economic Inquiry, 49(1): 155-171. Joint with José Tavares.

"Cheap Home Goods and Persistent Inequality" (2010). Economic Theory, 45 (3): 417-451. Joint with Joanna Alexopoulos.

"Assessing the "Engines of Liberation": Home Appliances and Female Labor Force Participation" (2008).  Review of Economics and Statistics, 90 (1): 81-88. Joint with José Tavares.

"The Effect of Financial Repression & Enforcement on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development" (2008).  Journal of Monetary Economics, 55 (2): 278-297. Joint with António Antunes and Anne Villamil.

"Computing General Equilibrium Models with Occupational Choice and Financial Frictions" (2008). Journal of Mathematical Economics, 44 (7-8): 553-568. Joint with António Antunes and Anne Villamil.

"Start Up Costs, Limited Enforcement, and the Hidden Economy" (2007), European Economic Review, 57 (1): 203-224. Joint with António Antunes.

"Religion in Macroeconomics: A Quantitative Theory of Weber's Hypothesis" (2007). Economic Theory, 32 (1): 105-123. Joint with Stephen L Parente and Rui Zhao.

"Layoff Costs, Tenure, and the Labor Market" (2004). Economic Letters, 84 (3): 383-390.

"The Optimal Inflation Tax and Structural Reform" (2003).  Macroeconomic Dynamics, 7(3): 333-362. Joint with Anne Villamil.

Other Publications (Case Studies, Policy Papers, Book Chapters)

"Contraception, Social Norms and Growth" Forthcoming Macroeconomic Dynamics.  Joint with Georgi Kocharkov and Cézar Santos. 

"Cash Transfers to the Poor and the Labor Market: An Equilibrium Analysis" (2014). Review of Development Economics,18(4): 741-762. Joint with Márcio Corrêa.

"Macroeconomic effects of oil price shocks in Brazil and in the United States," (2013). Applied Energy, 104(C): 475-486. Joint with João Tovar.

"Impactos de Longo Prazo de Reformas Fiscais sobre a Economia Brasileira," Revista Brasileira de Economia, 66(2): 247-269. Joint with Pollyana Jucá and Nelson Leitão.

"Growth, Development and Natural Resources: New Evidence Using a Heterogeneous Panel Analysis" (2011). Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 51(4): 305-318. (Lead article.) Joint with Kamiar Mohaddes and Mehdi Raissi.

"Does Oil Abundance Harm Growth?" (2011).  Applied Economics Letters, (2011), 18 (1-2):1181-1184. Joint with Kamiar Mohaddes and Mehdi Raissi.

"Barriers to Skill Acquisition in Brazil: Public and Private School Students Performance in a Public University Entrance Exam" (2010). Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 50 (4): 395-407. (Lead article.) Joint with Juliana Guimarães and Breno Sampaio.

"Cash Transfers and the Labor Market" (2010).  Revista Brasileira de Economia, (2010), 64 (2): 175-190. Joint with Márcio Corrêa.

"Brazil's Lack of Growth" (2009). In: "Brazil under Lula", W. Baer and J. Love eds. Palgrave.  Joint with Jocildo Bezerra.

"Is Brazil the Land of Happiness?" (2009) . Brazilian Review of Econometrics, 29 (1). Joint with Juliana Guimarães and José Nogueira.

 "Tributos sobre a Folha ou sobre o Faturamento? Efeitos Quantitativos Para o Brasil," Revista Brasileira de Economia, 62(3): 249-261.

"Institutions and Economic Development in Brazil"  (2008).  Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 48 (2): 412-432. Joint with André Magalhães and José Tavares.

"Business Cycle and Level Accounting: The Case of Portugal" (2007).  Portuguese Economic Journal, 6 (1): 47-64.

"Institutions and Economic Development: How Strong Is the Relation?" (2005). Empirical Economics, 30(2): 263-276. (Lead article.) Joint with Álvaro Novo. 

"Corruption, Credit Market Imperfections, and Economic Development" (2003).   Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance,  4(43): 627-642. Joint with António Antunes.

"Child Labor and School Policies" Revista Brasileira de Economia, (2003), 57 (4).

"Economic Integration without Policy Coordination: The Case of Mercosur" (2002).  Emerging Market Review, 3: 269-291. Joint with Werner Baer and Peri Silva.  

"Health in the Development Process: The Case of Brazil" (2001).  Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 41(3): 405-426. Joint with Werner Baer and Antônio Campino.

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