
the latest Museum news

NEW FOR 2025

We have a new pencil sculpture placed on the front lawn of our museum. It attracts a considerable amount of attention so please ensure you stop to see it...have your picture taken next to it. Although Dixon Ticonderoga pencils were not manufactured in Ticonderoga, the graphite that was used in their manufacture was mined and refined in Ti, very close to the current location of the museum at American Graphite.

PLEASE keep in touch.

NEW FOR 2021

A team of our board members created a new exhibit to illustrate the paper making industries of Ticonderoga and specifically the history of International Paper Company in the town of Ticonderoga. This exhibit went on display beginning September 18, 2021 and will continue into the 2022 season. 


The above exhibit joined with our 2022 calendar commemorating the history of the paper making industry to include Ticonderoga Pulp & Paper, Lake George Paper Company, and International Paper Company. Stay tuned for more information. The working title for the calendar is, "Making Paper in Ticonderoga."

NEW FOR 2020

New this year is the railroad exhibit. See glimpses of Ticonderoga's railroad past. View our DVD within the exhibit to see a short photo collage of railroad history set to music or choose the longer narrated history of the Baldwin and Ticonderoga branches of the Delaware & Hudson Railroad. See our scale diorama depicting a small railroad scene in Ticonderoga; railroad timetables; conductor lanterns; telegrapher keys; rail passes; and other railroad memorabilia and information.

The Baldwin Branch of the Delaware & Hudson Railroad opened on May 24, 1875 and connected traveling steamship passengers to and from Lake Champlain (Montcalm Landing station) and Lake George (Baldwin Dock Station). Train travel replaced the old Baldwin Stage Line connecting with the main line of the railroad at Delano Junction.

The Ticonderoga Branch of the Delaware & Hudson Railroad split from the Baldwin Branch at Ticonderoga Junction. Articles of Association of the Ticonderoga Railroad Company were filed on December 13, 1889. Tracks were laid by 1891 and the line was immediately leased to the Delaware & Hudson Railroad. This line serviced Ticonderoga's paper making industry as well as carried passengers to and from Ticonderoga proper.

Both rail lines were removed in 1981.

The railroad exhibit was new for the 2020 season. You can also view an informative video on the history of the railroad or watch a slideshow set to music.

NEW FOR 2019

Recently added for the opening of our 2019 season was this new sign in the Lakes to Locks series.  This sign describes this water powered turbine.  Water power turned Ticonderoga's many woolen waterwheels, which ran sawmills, cotton mills, grain mills, paper mills, graphite mills and iron works.  Turbines like this, however, greatly improved the industrial process.  Stop by the museum to read more about the use of this innovative tool and then step inside the museum to discover more interesting information regarding Ticonderoga's industrial history.

Our water turbine. Read about this novel invention which made water power more efficient.


Our exhibits display Ticonderoga's industrial history through the use of various themes.   These include:

Water Power

Witness how numerous industries harnessed the tremendous water power of La Chute River (Ticonderoga Creek). The museum has many expertly crafted models of the various industries that once thrived on the river's water power. These include the Treadway Woolen Mill and S. B. Moore grist and sawmill to name a few. Also see examples of water power devices such as a turbine governor and penstock. You will also find an excellent description of the many other dams and mills along the river. 

19th Century

Our 19th Century life depicts many of the businesses which once thrived in Ticonderoga along with some of their products. See models of the Burleigh Hotel and Alexandria Inn. Learn about Field's Hats, John Stoughton's store, and the King's Store.


Visit the distribution room and learn how Ticonderoga businesses distributed their wares. The railroad became an important mode of transportation for both goods and passengers. See our railroad exhibit depicting the Addison station and Ticonderoga station. Other forms of distribution included the Ramsey Wheelwright and Carriage Shop and Deall ferry.

Hand of Man

Our "Hand of Man" showcases the early Ticonderoga industries which relied on good old fashioned manual labor to create their products. This display includes the Pike, Case and Harwood mill (carding and production of sheep's wool), Liebenroth von Auw Blank Book factory, Wolcott Barrel manufacturer, as well as the every day farms that populated much of early America. 

From the Earth

This exhibit shows how early industries capitalized on natural resources to use in their business or as raw materials to create products used by others. The Ticonderoga Machine Works manufactured tools used by the graphite and paper making industries. The blacksmith shop was essential to early America. The Horicon Iron Company harvested and transported wood on barges and rafts, turning this material into charcoal in their large brick kilns. Charcoal was used by many forges in the process of smelting iron.

From the Forest

The forest was an invaluable natural resource for the making of furniture, homes, and canal boats. Sawmills such as the Deall sawmill and Frazier planing mill were key industries. Logging was a major business in the harvesting of the raw materials. Delano & Ives manufactured doors and window sashes. Leather tanning was also a valuable, if not smelly, necessity.


The museum graphite room showcases the importance of the graphite industry in the Ticonderoga area. American Graphite operated in Ticonderoga for many years. Graphite ore was prevalent in the Ticonderoga and surrounding area. Graphite was used for stove polish, lubricant, and in the production of pencils. Learn about the famous Ticonderoga pencil and how pencils were made in general.

Paper Making

Paper making was a key Ticonderoga industry. The Ticonderoga Pulp & Paper Company, Lake George Pulp & Paper Company, and International Paper Company dominated the river for many years. See historical exhibits from this era including the original paper company's paymaster desk and safe. The museum also features other paper making tools.

Museum Specialties

Once Upon The River

Throughout the Heritage Museum are handsome scale models of buildings that represent early industries in Ticonderoga. Denise Huestis, a local artist and friend of the museum, has created these models exclusively for the museum.  Each tells a story and enhances knowledge of the Ticonderoga region's past, present and future.

The tanning mill, the graphite mill, saw mill (below left) and the woolen mill are just a few of the many outstanding replicas.

Several minature models of buildings