
G Moses

A remote village located at a distance of 80 kilometers from Kurnool town, located towards east. This village is close to Banaganapalli assembly. Total population of this village is <Total Population>. Believers who gather unto the Name of our Savior and Jesus Christ and break bread at Lord's Table are around 50.

Saints who gather at this assembly are daily labors in fields & agriculture.

Weekly Gathering Schedule:

  • Tuesday 7:30 PM - 9 PM - Gospel Revival Meeting
  • Saturday 7:30 PM - 9 PM - Prayer Meeting
  • Sunday 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM - Lords Supper (Remembering Lord Jesus Christ)

Moses G, by profession constructs houses by using stones, aged 56 accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior on </date>. Brother G Moses is a faithful worker for God, been working in this village & surrounding villages as a full-time worker. God gifted him with Gospel & singing work. He has a 50 years old wife, and blessed with 3 sons, 2 daughter aged between 18 - 30 years. At the age of 56 years he uses bi-cycle to reach out surrounding villages & at times he moves around on foot to reach villages.

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