
The New Thurmont Dance Club

8 Park Lane, Thurmont, Maryland

Club members and guests enjoy dancing to music from live bands on one of the area's largest wooden floors!

Always open to the public.

The New Thurmont Dance Club is a social club for the sole purpose of providing reasonably priced ballroom style dances for the enjoyment of its members and guests. The Club holds eight (8) dances annually. There are no dances in January, July,  August, or September, unless made special as a make up dance.

The dances begin at 7:30 p.m. and end at 10:30 p.m. Guests are welcome. The guest fee is $40.00 per couple while a full membership for all 8 dances is only $220.00 per couple or $110.00 per person.  This is only $27.50 per dance for couples, or $13.75 per dance for singles - a great price for dancing to live music on a wooden dance floor. Check out our Application page if you would like to become a member. 

Appropriate attire is business casual; jeans are not permitted unless specifically indicated for a special theme dance. Theme dance attire may vary and will be indicated in the dance schedule.

Dances are held at the Edwin C. Creeger Jr., Post 168, American Legion at 8 Park Lane, Thurmont, Maryland 21788 - next to the Post Office.

The New Thurmont Dance Club is a non-profit 501(c)(7)

Click here for our Constitution and By-Laws

For membership or guest information contact either:


or call

Lois Humphrey - 301.788.2137