Saarbrücken Series on Linguistics and Language Methodology (SSLLM)
Saarbrücker Schriften zu Linguistik und Fremdsprachendidaktik (SSLF)
The Saarbrücken Series on Linguistics and Language Methodology (SSLLM) (German: Saarbrücker Schriften zu Linguistik und Fremdsprachendidaktik (SSLF) is a new scientific series designed to promote the synergy between linguistics and language methodology. The purpose of SSLLM is to create a publishing platform for the two sectors linguistics and language methodology, which stands for making scientific findings globally available in the form of books. To this end, SSLLM is offered in the following sub-series:
A: Monographs
B: Collected volumes
C: Textbooks
This division allows the publication of the following types of books:
Sub-series A refers to monographs on the aforementioned domains as well as to outstanding doctoral theses
Sub-series B includes collected volumes on the aforementioned domains;
Sub-series C comprises textbooks which allow the functional acquisition of the respective language and, thus, help to advance language methodology on a linguistic basis. Hence, this sub-series stands for the implementation of scientific findings into the language-acquisition process.
The series refers to English, French, Spanish, Italian, and German as foreign languages. Any work or study on or in these languages is welcome.
The monographs, collected volumes and textbooks positively reviewed will be published on the internet in the form of a website (blog) reserved for each book. In this way, the complete text of the respective book will be published twice:
on the website so as to ensure its quick and reader-friendly accessibility and
in the form of a PDF-file which allows both academic citation and easy printing of the respective text.
Moreover, a traditional print edition can be provided, which, however, is neither the primary objective of the series nor free of charge.
Each book published gets an ISBN.
This form of publishing assures free and unlimited accessibility to all the books and a functional distribution of scientific findings.