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Thomas Shields Clarke Collection of German Legal Documents

Consists of eight German and Italian legal documents, in German and Latin, collected by Clarke (Princeton Class of 1882). The documents range in date from 1572 to 1802. There are five German documents, including bills of sale, from Wurttemberg, Bamberg, and Nuremberg, by Prince Christoph Franz, bishop of Bamberg, Friderich, bishop of Wurtemberg, Hieroymus Engelhardt, Friedrich III, Margrave of Brandenburg, and others. The three Italian documents (1585, 1684 and 1691) are by Innocentius XI, Pope, Franciscus Maurocene, and Stephanus a Franciscus.

The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Madonna of the Rose, 1885


•In an editorial by Thomas Shields Clark 1882 in December 9, 1908 Princeton Alumni Weekly, he wrote of Mr. Ralph Adams Cram:

"Cram's plan was, for the most part, very well-received by the alumni. His open spaces and university plan sat well with most donors. In fact, some alumni wanted even more. Thomas Shields Clarke, class of 1882 wrote a response letter in the same issue, saying that things should be bigger: "Mr. Cram is a clever and an eloquent architect and the big lines of his plan are excellent, but I protest the plan should be bigger " (emphasis his). Clark wanted the campus to extend beyond Washington Road or Nassau Street so that students would have even more room to breathe and to be active on their campus. This editorial of Clarke's is but a small indicator of the popularity of Cram's cohesive and balanced, yet spacious plan for the future development of the University." -From "Ralph Adams Cram The Man, His Work, and His Legacy at Princeton University," by Stephen Warneck, ART409, January 10, 1995

Modern Sculpture In America, (pub. 1896)

"Thomas Shields Clarke, whose Cider Press at the Columbian Exhibition was an original and meritorious production."

San Francisco 3958 Picture Virtual Tour has a virtual tour of Golden Gate Park, which features Mr. Clarkes' "Apple Cider Press". It can be found, (with patience) here. ( a map may help, here.)

•In the article, "Streetscapes/Appellate Division, 25th Street and Madison Avenue; A Milky White Courthouse With Rooftop Sculptures," by Christopher Gray published in the October 24, 1999 New York Times wrote:

"On the Madison Avenue front, at the third-floor level, a screen of female caryatids by Thomas Shields Clarke represents the seasons -- ''Summer,'' for instance, holds a sickle and a sheaf of wheat."

Minutes of the January 9, 2007 Regular Meeting of the Golden Gate Park Concourse Authority, a California Nonprofit Benefit Corporation

Mentions the statue of The Cider Press.


  • Find a Grave -- Thomas Shields Clarke
  • The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia holds a collection of his correspondence and photographs donated by Cynthia Clarke in 1977. HERE.