
  • June 1991, General Certificate of Education, Himmelev Gymnasium, Roskilde, Denmark
  • October 1994, B.Sc. in Actuarial Mathematics from University of Copenhagen
  • November 1996, Cand.Act. (Master's degree in Actuarial Mathematics) from University of Copenhagen
  • June 2000, PhD in Actuarial Mathematics from University of Copenhagen


  • December 1996 - March 1997: Research Assistant, Lab. of Actuarial Math., Univ. of Copenhagen
  • April 1997 - March 2000: PhD-student, Lab. of Actuarial Math., Univ. of Copenhagen
  • April 2000 - July 2000: Research Assistant Professor, Lab. of Actuarial Math., Univ. of Copenhagen
  • August 2000 - January 2003: Assistant Professor, Lab. of Actuarial Math., Univ. of Copenhagen
  • February 2003 - June 2006: Senior Specialist at PFA Pension
  • July 2006 - 2011: Chief Analyst at PFA Pension
  • 2011 - July 2018: Head of "Actuarial Innovation & Modeling" at PFA Pension
  • August 2018 - today: Chief Mathematical Officer at AP Pension

Longer visits to foreign research institutions:

  • April 1998 - October 1998, Department of Mathematics, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
  • September 1999 - December 1999, Department of Mathematics, Stanford University, California, USA

Other working and teaching experience (part-time during studies):

  • September 1993 - May 1994: Tutor in statistics
  • August 1994 - November 1996: Assistant in Codan (Danish insurance company)
  • September 1996 - November 1996: Tutor in Mathematical Finance
