Thomas Mach

University of Potsdam
Institute for Mathematics
Data Assimilation (Prof. Melina Freitag)
Campus Golm, Haus 29 (Office:
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24‒25
14476 Potsdam

E-Mail: mach(at)
Office hours (during teaching): Monday 14:00-15:45  ( and by appointment

Research Interests

Numerical linear algebra for large or structured matrices, especially data analysis, inverse problems and eigenvalue algorithms, with tensor-structured, hierarchical, data-sparse, and rank structured matrices; unitary eigenvalue problems, polynomial root-finding, Krylov subspaces, inverse eigenvalue problems, and adaptive cross approximation.

Latest Papers

M.A. Freitag, P. Kriz, T. Mach, J. M. Nicolaus, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (2023), e202300122, 8 pages; DOI 10.1002/pamm.202300122.

Latest Book

Core Chasing Algorithms for the Eigenvalue Problem, Fundamentals of Algorithms
J. L. Aurentz, T. Mach, L. Robol, R. Vandebril, D. S. Watkins, SIAM, 2018.

David S. Watkins in Leuven

(Groot Begijnhof)

I am co-organizer of this workshop on the occasion of the 75th birthday of David S. Watkins. The workshop will be held in Leuven, Belgium on 09‒10 May 2024.

The website of the workshop is now online. Registration is open until 31 March 2024.

Short CV

Selected Academic Services



Books (1)

J. L. Aurentz, T. Mach, L. Robol, R. Vandebril, D. S. Watkins, SIAM, 2018.

Journal Articles (25)

Solution of Linear Ill-Posed Operator Equations by Modified Truncated Singular Value Expansion

L. Dykes, M. Kuian, T. Mach, S. Noschese, L. Reichel, submitted, 14 pages.

T. Mach, L. Reichel, M. Van Barel, Numer. Algo., 92 (2023), pp. 815‒830; DOI 10.1007/s11075-022-01395-8. 16 pages.

A. Alqahtani, T. Mach, L. Reichel, Numer. Algo., 92 (2023), pp. 2341‒2364; DOI 10.1007/s11075-022-01390-z.

N. Eshghi, T. Mach, L. Reichel, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 391 (2021), Art. 113442.

D. Camps, T. Mach, R. Vandebril, D. S. Watkins, Electron. Trans. Numer. Math., 52 (2020), pp. 480‒508.

T. Mach, L. Reichel, M. Van Barel, R. Vandebril, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 303 (2016), pp. 206‒217.

J. L. Aurentz, T. Mach, R. Vandebril, D. S. Watkins, Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal., 44 (2015), pp. 327‒341.

J. L. Aurentz, T. Mach, R. Vandebril, D. S. Watkins, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 36 (2015), pp. 942‒973. SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize.

T. Mach, R. Vandebril, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 35 (2014), 559‒579.

T. Mach, M. Pranić, R. Vandebril, Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal., 40 (2013), pp. 414‒435. 

P. Benner, T. Mach, Linear Algebra Appl., 439 (2013), pp. 1150‒1166.

P. Benner, T. Mach, Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., 20 (2013), pp. 150‒166.

P. Benner, T. Mach, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 34 (2012), pp. A485‒A496.

P. Benner, T. Mach, Computing, 88 (2010), pp. 111‒129.

Conference Proceedings (12)

M.A. Freitag, P. Kriz, T. Mach, J. M. Nicolaus, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (2023), e202300122, 8 pages; DOI 10.1002/pamm.202300122.

Zh. Assylbekov, S. Nurmukhamedov, A. Jangeldin, A. Sheverdin, T. Mach, AIxIA 2021 Discussion Papers, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3078, pp. 58‒64

A. Alqahtani, T. Mach, L. Reichel, PAMM, 22(1) (2023), e202200041, 6 pages; DOI 10.1002/pamm.202200041.

Thesis (2)

Seminars and Presentations at Conferences

If you are interested in my slides of a specific talk or a poster below, please email (mach(at) me.

Mathematicians are Procrastinators

The chart shows the number of abstracts submitted to the ILAS 2016 conference in Leuven. One third was submitted in the last 48 hours before the deadline. (Two thirds in the last ten days.)

My conclusion: Don't extend deadlines for registration prematurely, but be kind and accept late submissions as appropriate.