
  • WRDS 150A

      • Self-Control in Psychology, Philosophy, and Sociology: One interesting fact about human behaviour is that a person can know that it is best for her to do something and yet be unable to get herself to do it. This fact has been investigated in a variety of ways by scholars in psychology, philosophy, and sociology. We will examine the different approaches that are taken to the study of this phenomenon. What kinds of questions are interesting to researchers in these different disciplines? How do their research methods serve the production of knowledge in the scholarly tradition? Students will use what they learn about this tradition of inquiry to conduct their own research on a topic related to self-control.

    • COGS 200

      • Introduction to Cognitive Systems: Interdisciplinary examination of human mental processes and how these are mediated by the brain. Will draw on cognitive psychology, linguistics, cognitive neuroscience, philosophy, artificial intelligence.

    • PHIL 441

      • Philosophy of Perception: A look at some of the main philosophical problems that arise in connection with perception, concentrating mainly on visual perception. What is perception? Do we see the world directly or is our perceptual access to the world mediated somehow, perhaps by images? What role do sensation and consciousness play in perception? How is perception related to action and movement?