Math 844 - Differentiable manifolds

Math 844 - Differentiable manifolds

Fall 2019

Instructor: Thomas Barthelmé

Office: 504 Jeffery Hall

Email: firstname [dot] lastname [at]

Office Hours: TBD, or by appointment

Lectures: Tu 2:30-4pm and F 4-5:30pm in JEFF 422

Suggested book(s):

- John Lee, "Introduction to smooth manifolds" 2nd edition, Springer (the chapters in the list of topics below refer to that book)

- Loring Tu, "An introduction to manifolds", Springer

- Frank Warner, "Foundations of differentiable manifolds and Lie groups", Springer

Electronic copies of these books are available through Queen's library

Both Lee's and Tu's books have an appendix on general topology, if you want more on that subject, you can for instance have a look at John Lee "introduction to topological manifolds".

Exams: There will be one midterm and one final exam.

Mid-term exam: The midterm exam date is Friday, November 1st (during class: 4-5:30pm)

The mid-term will cover up to chapter 5. Here is the precise list of topic.

A previous midterm can be found here: Midterm_844_Fall17.pdf

Final exam: The final exam will be on Friday Dec 13th, from noon to 3pm, in Jeff 422.

Here is the list of topics for the final: list_of_topics

and here is a past exam: past_exam

Tentative grading scheme: Homework 10%, end of year presentations 10%, Midterm 35%, Final 45%.

The weight of presentation will be shifted to whatever gives you the highest mark, i.e., you will have the maximum between the following three formulas:

.2*H + .35*M +.45*F, .1*H + .45*M +.45*F, .1*H + .35*M +.55*F.

End of year presentations: The presentations date is TBD.

List of topics for end of year presentations: see here

Tentative weekly schedule:
