
10. FRIPON: a worldwide network to track incoming meteoroids

F. Colas, B. Zanda, S. Bouley, S. Jeanne, A. Malgoyre, (...), T. Appéré et al. (2020)

Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 644, id.A53

9. Observational evidence for active dust storms on Titan at equinox

S. Rodriguez, S. Le Mouélic, J. W. Barnes, J. F. Kok, S. C. R. Rafkin, R. D. Lorenz, B. Charnay, J. Radebaugh, C. Narteau, T. Cornet, O. Bourgeois, A. Lucas, P. Rannou, C. A. Griffith, A. Coustenis, T. Appéré, M. Hirtzig, C. Sotin, J. M. Soderblom, R. H. Brown, J. Bow, G. Vixie, L. Maltagliati, S. Courrech du Pont, R. Jaumann, K. Stephan, K. H. Baines, B. J. Buratti, R. N. Clark and P. D. Nicholson (2018)

Nature Geoscience, Vol. 11, Issue 10, p.727-732

8. Sedimentation waves on the Martian North Polar Cap: analogy with megadunes in Antarctica

C. Herny, M. Massé, O. Bourgeois, S. Carpy, S. Le Mouélic, T. Appéré, I. Smith, A. Spiga, S. Douté and S. Rodriguez (2014)

Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 403, p. 56-66

7. Searching for springtime zonal interfacial liquid water on Mars

A. Kereszturi and T. Appéré (2014)

Icarus, Vol. 238, p. 66-76

6. Present-day seasonal gully activity in a South Polar Pit (Sisyphi Cavi) on Mars

J. Raack, D. Reiss, T. Appéré, M. Vincendon, O. Ruesch and H. Hiesinger (2014)

Icarus, Vol. 251, p. 226-243

5. Global mapping and characterization of Titan's dune fields with Cassini: correlation between RADAR and VIMS observations

S. Rodriguez, A. Gardia, A. Lucas, T. Appéré, A. Le Gall, E. Reffet, L. Le Corre, S. Le Mouélic, T. Cornet, S. Courrech du Pont, C. Narteau, O. Bourgeois, J. Radebaugh, K. Arnold, J. W. Barnes, C. Sotin, R. H. Brown, R. D. Lorenz and E. P. Turtle (2014)

Icarus, Vol. 230, p. 168-179

4. A transmission spectrum of Titan's north polar atmosphere from a specular reflection of the Sun

J. W. Barnes, R. N. Clark, C. Sotin, M. Adamkovics, T. Appéré, S. Rodriguez, J. M. Soderblom, R. H. Brown and B. J. Buratti (2013)

The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 777, Issue 161

3. Retrieving atmospheric dust opacity on Mars by imaging spectroscopy

S. Douté, X. Ceamanos, T. Appéré (2013)

Planetary and Space Science, Vol. 85, p. 38-52

2. Observations of the Northern seasonal polar cap on Mars; III: CRISM/HiRISE observations of spring sublimation

A. Pommerol, T. Appéré, G. Portyankina, K.-M. Aye, N. Thomas and C. J. Hansen (2013)

Icarus, Vol. 225, Issue 2, p. 911-922

1. Winter and spring evolution of northern seasonal deposits on Mars from OMEGA/Mars Express

T. Appéré, B. Schmitt, Y. Langevin, S. Douté, A. Pommerol, F. Forget, A. Spiga, B. Gondet and J.-P. Bibring (2011)

Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 116, E05001 [online]



Evolution of Martian seasonal frost boundaries around the North pole derived from OMEGA observations and from LMD GCM simulations

A. Szantai, F. Forget, T. Appéré and B. Schmitt (2022)

7th International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations, June 2022, poster

La Semaine Mondiale de l'Espace 2021

T. Appéré (2022)

Workshop InSight Education, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, poster


La Semaine Mondiale de l'Espace 2021

T. Appéré (2021)

Workshop InSight Education "Bon anniversaire InSight !" (held virtually), December 2021, oral presentation

A Japanese and Physics multidisciplinary project about Hayabusa 2 mission

T. Appéré and A. Ortais (2021)

Europlanet Science Congress (held virtually), September 2021, oral presentation

L'atterrissage de Perseverance : programmation d'un jeu vidéo en Python

T. Appéré (2021)

Workshop InSight Education "Finissons l'année sur Mars" (held virtually), June 2021, oral presentation

Activités pédagogiques autour de la mission Mars2020

T. Appéré (2021)

Workshop InSight Education "Mars arrive en février" (held virtually), February 2021, oral presentation

Mission Hayabusa 2 : projet interdisciplinaire physique-chimie et japonais

T. Appéré and A. Ortais (2021)

Symposium on Astronomy for Education in French-speaking countries (held virtually), January 2021, poster


Conception d'une mission spatiale à destination de la planète Mars par des élèves de Première S

T. Appéré and D. Lesouëf (2019)

Workshop InSight Education, International Center of Valbonne Sophia Antipolis, Nice (France)


Regional mapping of aerosol population and surface albedo of Titan by the massive inversion of Cassini/VIMS dataset

S. Rodriguez, T. Cornet, L. Maltagliati, T. Appéré, S. Le Mouélic, C. Sotin, J. W. Barnes and R. H. Brown (2018)

AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (CA), USA


Regional mapping of aerosol population and surface albedo of Titan by the massive inversion of Cassini/VIMS dataset

S. Rodriguez, T. Cornet, L. Maltagliati, T. Appéré, S. Le Mouélic, C. Sotin, J. W. Barnes and R. H. Brown (2017)

AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (CA), USA


First observation of CO2 ice slab formation during autumn in the South polar region of Mars

S. Philippe, B. Schmitt, P. Thollot, T. Appéré and P. Beck (2016)

47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands (TX), USA


Simultaneous cartography of aerosol opacity and surface albedo of Titan by the massive inversion of the Cassini/VIMS dataset

S. Rodriguez, L. Maltagliati, C. Sotin, P. Rannou, T. Cornet, M. Hirtzig, T. Appéré, A. Solomonidou, S. Le Mouélic, A. Coustenis and R. H. Brown (2015)

AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (CA), USA


Simultaneous mapping of Titan's atmospheric and surface properties through the massive inversion of Cassini/VIMS data

S. Rodriguez, L. Maltagliati, T. Appéré, M. Vincendon, S. Douté, S. Le Mouélic, P. Rannou, C. Sotin, J. W. Barnes, A. Coustenis and R. H. Brown (2014)

AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (CA), USA, December 2014

Mapping the atmospheric and surface properties of Titan by the massive inversion of Cassini/VIMS spectra

L. Maltagliati, S. Rodriguez, T. Appéré, M. Vincendon, S. Douté, S. Le Mouélic, P. Rannou, C. Sotin, J. W. Barnes, A. Coustenis and R. H. Brown (2014)

DPS Meeting, Tucson (AZ), USA, November 2014


Probing Titan's north polar atmosphere using a specular reflection of the Sun

J. W. Barnes, R. N. Clark, C. Sotin, M. Adamkovics, T. Appéré, S. Rodriguez, J. M. Soderblom, R. H. Brown and B. J. Buratti (2013)

DPS Meeting, Denver (CO), USA, October 2013

Current water cycle on Mars: study of the northern seasonal deposits using hyperspectral remote sensing (OMEGA/Mars Express)

T. Appéré, B. Schmitt, S. Douté, M. Vincendon, Y. Langevin and F. Forget

Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly (DACA), Davos, Switzerland, July 2013, oral presentation

Radiative transfer on Titan: Towards a massive inversion of atmospheric and surface properties from VIMS/Cassini observations

T. Appéré, S. Rodriguez, S Douté, P. Rannou, A. Coustenis and S. Le Mouélic

VIMS Meeting, Berlin, Germany, May 2013, oral presentation

Seasonal activity of gullies in south polar pits

J. Raack, D. Reiss, M. Vincendo, O. Ruesch, T. Appéré, and H. Hiesinger (2013)

44th Lunar and Planetary Conference, The Woodlands (TX), USA, March 2013

European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2013

Radiative transfer on Titan: Towards a massive inversion of atmospheric and surface properties from VIMS/Cassini observations

T. Appéré, S. Rodriguez, S Douté, P. Rannou, A. Coustenis and S. Le Mouélic

Titan Working Group Meeting, Tucson (AZ), USA, January 2013, poster presentation

Current water cycle on Mars: study of the northern seasonal deposits using hyperspectral remote sensing (OMEGA/Mars Express)

T. Appéré, B. Schmitt, S. Douté, A. Spiga, Y. Langevin, F. Forget, A. Pommerol, B. Gondet and J.-P. Bibring

Workshop: the Martian Cryosphere, Wroclaw, Poland, January 2013, oral presentation


Seasonal water frost: minor component but major role during the spring retreat of the northern seasonal deposits on Mars

T. Appéré, B. Schmitt, S. Douté, A. Spiga, Y. Langevin, F. Forget, A. Pommerol, B. Gondet and J.-P. Bibring

Europlanet Planetary Science Congress, Madrid, Spain, September 2012, oral presentation

Topographical control over seasonal sublimation of the Mars permanent North Polar Cap

Evdokimova N., Rodin, S. and T. Appéré

39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Mysore, India, July 2012


Katabatic winds, geysers and seasonal water frost during northern spring on Mars

T. Appéré, B. Schmitt, Y. Langevin, A. Spiga, S. Douté, A. Pommerol, F. Forget, B. Gondet, and J.-P. Bibring

5th International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration, Fairbanks (AL), USA, September 2011, oral presentation (Abstract)

European Planetary Science Congress - Division of Planetary Sciences Joint Meeting, Nantes, France, October 2011, oral presentation (Abstract, Slides)

Influence of condensing water frost on the near-IR spectrum of CO2 snow

F. Grisolle, T. Appéré, B. Schmitt, P. Beck, O. Brissaud, and S. Douté

5th International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration, Fairbanks (AL), USA, September 2011

Spring evolution of Martian seasonal polar caps from high-resolution MRO observations

A. Pommerol, G. Portyankina, N. Thomas, K.-M. Aye, T. Appéré, C. J. Hansen, M. Vincendon, and Y. Langevin

5th International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration, Fairbanks (AL), USA, September 2011

Peculiar phenomena of sublimating seasonal deposits during northern spring on Mars

T. Appéré, B. Schmitt, Y. Langevin, A. Spiga, S. Douté, F. Forget, A. Pommerol, B. Gondet, and J.-P. Bibring

4th International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations - Paris, France, February 2011, oral presentation (Abstract)

European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2011 (Abstract, Slides)

Monitoring atmospheric dust opacity at high latitudes on Mars by imaging spectrometry

S. Douté, X. Ceamanos, T. Appéré, M. Vincendon, Y. Langevin, and the OMEGA team

4th International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations, Paris, France, February 2011, oral presentation (Abstract)

Europlanet Planetary Science Congress - Division of Planetary Sciences Joint Meeting, Nantes, France, October 2011, oral presentation (Abstract)

Current water cycle on Mars: repartition of the water ice component of the northern seasonal deposits during their winter and spring retreat

T. Appéré, B. Schmitt, S. Douté, Y. Langevin, A. Spiga, F. Forget, A. Pommerol, S. Douté, B. Gondet, and J.-P. Bibring

Seminar given at:

  • Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble, June 22nd

  • Space Research and Planetary Sciences, University of Bern, May 25th

  • Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géodynamique de Nantes, May 10th


Mobility of water ice during the recession of the northern seasonal condensates on Mars

T. Appéré, B. Schmitt, Y. Langevin, S. Douté, A. Pommerol, F. Forget, A. Spiga, B. Gondet, and J.-P. Bibring

European Planetary Science Congress, Roma, Italy, September 2010, poster (Abstract, Poster)

Evolution hivernale et printanière des dépôts saisonniers nord de Mars

T. Appéré, B. Schmitt, Y. Langevin, S. Douté, A. Pommerol, F. Forget, A. Spiga, B. Gondet, and J.-P. Bibring

Programme National de Planétologie, September 2010, poster (Abstract)

Spring evolution of Mars' northern seasonal condensates from OMEGA on Mars Express

T. Appéré, B. Schmitt, S. Douté, Y. Langevin, F. Forget, and J.-P. Bibring

41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands (TX), USA, March 2010, poster (Abstract, Poster)


Spring evolution of the northern seasonal condensates on Mars from OMEGA on Mars Express

T. Appéré, B. Schmitt, S. Douté, F. Forget, Y. Langevin, J.-P. Bibring and B. Gondet

3rd International Workshop on Mars Polar Energy Balance and the CO2, Seattle (WA), USA, July 2009, oral presentation (Abstract, Slides)

Microphysical cycle of evolution of the northern martian seasonal condensates

B. Schmitt, T. Appéré, S. Douté, P. Beck, F. Forget, Y. Langevin, and J.-P. Bibring

3rd International Workshop on Mars Polar Energy Balance and the CO2, Seattle (WA), USA, July 2009, oral presentation (Abstract)


Spatial and temporal distributions of the water ice annulus during recession of the northern seasonal condensates on Mars

T. Appéré, B. Schmitt, A. Pommerol, S. Douté, P. Beck, F. Forget, F. Schmidt, Y. Langevin, J.-P. Bibring and B. Gondet

3rd International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere, Williamsburg (VA), USA, November 2008, oral presentation (Abstract, Slides)

Extended water vapor sources during recession of the northern seasonal condensates on Mars

T. Appéré, B. Schmitt, A. Pommerol, P. Beck, F. Schmidt, S. Douté, F. Forget, Y. Langevin, J.-P. Bibring and B. Gondet

Mars Water Cycle Workshop, Paris, France, April 2008, oral presentation (Abstract, Slides)