Laurent Thiry


12, rue des frères Lumière

68093 Mulhouse (France)

Tel. 33 3 89 33 69 74


Laurent Thiry is an assistant professor at the Université de Haute Alsace (Mulhouse, France). He passed his Ph.D. entitled “Models, metamodels and behavioral objects for complex dynamical systems” in 2002 and his research interests include software engineering, model driven engineering, and formal methods.



    1. L. Thiry and B. Thirion, Functional metamodels for systems and software, Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier Ed., 2009
    2. T. Collonvillé, L. Thiry, B. Thirion, 2007, IDM pour une approche combinant synthèse et vérification de modèles, Revue e-STA, Sciences & Technologies de l'Automatique, Volume 4, N° 3, pp. 25-30.
    3. J.M. Perronne, L. Thiry, B. Thirion, Architectural Concepts and Design Patterns for Behavior Modeling and Integration, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Elsevier Ed., 2006, pp. 314-329
    4. A. Rasse, J.M. Perronne, L. Thiry, B. Thirion, A Modeling Framework for Complex Behavior Modeling and Integration, IADIS Journal, Pedro Isaias and Marcin Paprzycki Ed., 2006, pp. 30-40
    5. L. Thiry, J.M. Perronne, B. Thirion, Modélisation objet de comportements appliquée aux logiciels de commande, Journal Europeen des Systèmes Automatisés, JESA, Volume 39 - n°5-6/2005 Lavoisier, 2005, Cachan
    6. L. Thiry, J.M. Perronne, B. Thirion, Patterns for Behavior Modeling and Integration, Computers in Industry, Elsevier Ed., 2004, pp.225-237
    7. B. Thirion, L. Thiry, Concurrent Programming for the Control of Hexapod Walking, ACM Ada Letters, mars 2002, Vol. 21, N°1, pp. 12-36

See also Communications and Projects


Fundamental concepts of software systems, algorithms and data structures, modeling with UML, software components, and Java programming language

See also Student Projects