Welcome to the WLLab!

Our research interest is to understand the neural basis of developmental disorders. Using molecular, cellular, physiological, and behavioral approaches in mouse models of disease, we aim to identify the neural substrates underlying pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Rett syndrome (RTT), and CDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD). Currently, our main projects focus on exploring the roles of methyl-CpG binding protein 2 and cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 in psychomotor control and early-onset epilepsy in normal and diseased brains. Possible therapeutics by genetic, cellular, pharmacological or bioelectrical approaches are continuously being tested in mice.


本實驗室之研究興趣主要在於瞭解發育及行為疾患的神經基礎。我們正藉由分子、形態、生理及行為的方法分析疾病之模式小鼠, 試圖釐清自閉症、注意力不足過動症、瑞特氏症及CDKL5缺失症中參與致病的神經迴路。目前進行中的研究是在探討MeCP2及CDKL5這兩種蛋白在正常及罹病大腦中對心理運動功能及早發性癲癇的調控。我們也正在嘗試利用基因、細胞、 藥物或電刺激的方式來改善運動障礙、自閉及癲癇相關症狀。