Disclaimer and FYI

Please use your own judgment whether these videos are appropriate for you.

If in doubt, please seek advice from a health-care professional, if possible.

These videos were created by a non-professional self-taught person who personally uses self-hypnosis successfully. These videos are being offered to the general public free, at no cost, and are not sold by TG Ideas LLC. It is recommended that the user understand what hypnosis is, especially self-hypnosis, before viewing these videos. There is no tangible device, machine, or equipment – just these informational videos that might assist with the mind-body connection. These videos do not replace professional health care, medicine, treatments, and/or routine health maintenance. These videos are to be viewed as behavior modification, self-improvement, habit correction, learning techniques, or simple relaxation. Specific disease conditions or therapeutic use might be mentioned but is certainly not claimed, though health improvement might occur coincidentally with the simple relaxation in these videos. TG Ideas is not a healthcare professional nor a hypnosis professional. Seek qualified professionals, as needed. These informational videos are not intended to diagnose, prescribe for, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. Those who have a mental disorder or illness, including those with seizures or epilepsy, should not use these videos. Minors should not view these videos without adult supervision. Do not use these videos while driving, operating machinery, or other potentially dangerous situations. Do not remove pain without knowing its source. These videos should not be considered medical advice. No guarantees or warranties are implied or expressed. Results may vary. If you experience an adverse reaction to these voluntarily-viewed videos, stop watching, and call a healthcare provider right away. Tell your doctor of new health symptoms, as they happen. Use at your own risk. Also, see disclaimers at TG Ideas LLC website at https://sites.google.com/site/tgideas/.