The Valley Local on A Modeler's Life
I've mentioned before how big a fan I am of podcasts. They're the perfect antidote to a long commute or home projects, and the model railroad ones act as a surrogate "hobby shop cracker barrel" whenever you're working on your layout. I've even been on the other side of the 'cast a couple times before, having called in to Model Rail Radio, but this is the first time I've actually been featured on a podcast.
The "A Modeler's Life" podcast "is as much about the people in the hobby of model railroading as it is about the hobby itself" and features a wide diversity of folks - everyone from musicians, to truck drivers, border patrol agents, doctors, software engineers, professional railroaders (of course) and many more from, literally, around the world. It's one of most entertaining of the MRR podcasts out there and new episodes come out regularly - and it's long been one of my favorites (even before being interviewed).
I met the host, former Model Railroader contributing editor Lionel Strang, a couple of times at the big Springfield train show, but we were never able to actually visit for very long. That is, until one evening a little while back when this show was recorded.
So if you want to learn a little more about this crazy Valley Line project I have going on in my basement, as well as a bit about what I do when I'm above ground, give a listen. Thanks to Lionel and the rest of the AML crew for making me sound interesting - and hopefully not in the "peculiar" sense, but in the "hey-he-sounds-like-a-guy-I'd-like-to-get-a-coffee-with" sense.