About Us


The Squatch Ranger, Ryan White, is a Bigfoot Researcher in Northeast Oklahoma. White is a member of 2 different Bigfoot Research Groups in Oklahoma. The Native Oklahoma Bigfoot Research Organization (NOBRO) & The North Canadian River Project (N.C.R.P.). The NOBRO and N.C.R.P. travel around the state of Oklahoma and Investigate Bigfoot Reports. These groups (NOBRO & N.C.R.P.) also give Education Lectures on Bigfoot/Sasquatch of Oklahoma in Public Libraries in Communities accross the state of Oklahoma.

White has also filmed several short Documentaries about his Bigfoot Expeditions in Southeast Oklahoma and Central Oklahoma. Some of these Documentaries show lines of tracks or footprints in the mud during cold weather season. White has also caught on film a single woodknock response during an investigation as well. To view some of White's Bigfoot Documentaries simply go to the YouTube Channel "Squatch Ranger."

White also is the Host of an online Podcast show called "Squatch Ranger Files" which is also featured on his YouTube Channel. White collects Bigfoot Reports from all across Oklahoma and beyond and enters these reports into a Bigfoot Sightings Database. If you have a Bigfoot Report, please contact The Squatch Ranger (contact info in the "Contact Us" sidebar on this website). The Squatch Ranger's advice to you, a bigfoot believer or skeptic, is "please, join my search."


The Squatch Ranger provides a very special and unique service to the state of Oklahoma, to impersonate Bigfoot. Don't be fooled, The Squatch Ranger is not a hoaxer who claims to have video, picture, or recorded evidence of the "Real Bigfoot." Nor is he trying to be featured on TV, Radio, or News Paper Media for fame and fortune.

The Squatch Ranger is an entertainer who will pose as Bigfoot for birthday parties, social events, sporting events, etc.... Basically, if you like Bigfoot and "believe in" Bigfoot, you might want to consider hiring the Squatch Ranger to appear at your next special occasion to make your party theme unique, different, and fun for all of your guests.

At a typical event, The Squatch Ranger is able to perform various activities to help make your outdoor or indoor gathering a little more interesting. It all depends on your vision and what you want from The Squatch Ranger. On request, The Squatch Ranger will make Bigfoot calls, wood knocks, and throw rocks to surprise guests who might not know The Squatch Ranger will be making an appearance. The Squatch Ranger will pose for numerous pictures and videos with your guests, friends, and family.

The Squatch Ranger loves entertaining at Birthday parties. Whether it's hiking with young children on a friendly nature hike or walking past a group of teenagers' camp fire for a late night scare, The Squatch Ranger has been there and done that! Now he's ready for more!

The Squatch Ranger is dedicated to entertaining those who really do "believe" in Bigfoot through networking with the entire Oklahoma Bigfoot Community. It is his mission to help connect with all of these Bigfoot enthusiasts across the state of Oklahoma until the next "real" sighting.

Click the video link below to learn what The Squatch Ranger can do for you!