False UFO's

False UFO's made by Human Being:

Memory on from ...

4129 news:yjSbe.167$Fe7.3746@news000.worldonline.dk



> ... på forhånd udelukket

> SAMTLIGE misinformationer, såsom menneskers hallucineringer, indbildskhed,

> dagdrømme samt falske vidneudsagn (herunder dem, der er "plantet" af

> diverse efterretningstjenester, som nogen af dem jo har for vane).


(Sorry, but the translation is not 100% correctly)

> ... precluded

> ALL misinformation, such as human hallucineringer, conceit,

> Daydreams and false testimony (including those who are "planted" by

> Various intelligence services, as some of them indeed have a habit).

Here is probably some examples (of false UFO's):


Text inside the video:

2 UFO like Saucer Shaped objects on

Truck Convoy escorted by Russian Police

May 2009 place unknown ...

May 09, 2009


Russian Black Ops:Caught with UFO's


(A reason of this russian UFO dirty trick could be ... Well, You know ... 61... )

Compare with ...

Internal Counter's


Newsgroups: dk.politik

Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004, CET 10:00, GMT 08:00

Subject: Flying saucer fever grips Iran

2020 news:8E2kc.150733$jf4.7977983@news000.worldonline.dk UFO-Iran



> CNNTEXT P109 Thu 29 Apr (2004, CET) 09:48:43


> Flying saucer fever grips Iran


> Is Iran about to be invaded by little

> green men or are the Americans racing

> through the night sky in spaceships to

> spy on their arch-foe the Islamic

> Republic ?


> Flying saucer fever has gripped Iran

> after dozens of sightings in the last

> few days. Fanciful cartoons of alien

> spacecraft have adorned the front

> pages.


> (Citat slut)



> Jeg har ingen meddelse fået desangående.


> Det kan være et bluf-nummer, regeringen laver, ligesom Apartheith-regimet i

> Sydafrika gjorde i 1989, kort før det kollapsede!!!


> Sovjetunionen benyttede også den slags triks i propaganda-mæssig øjemed.


Own Tree


UFO's and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Investigation reports