The Q-PAL Project

Phase 3 is currently active!

The Queer-Parent and Adolescent Lives (Q-PAL) Project involves surveying racially and economically diverse adolescents (12-19 years old) with at least one LGBTQ+ parent and LGBTQ+ parents with at least one adolescent child from around the U.S. Survey will include questions about community, social support, mental and physical well-being, identity, experiences of discrimination, religion and spirituality, and coping. Findings will be used to increase awareness, understanding, and support for LGBTQ+ Families. 

Eligibility Requirements: 

For parents, this study will include completing an approximately 90 minute survey. LGBTQ+ parents will be compensated up to $65 via Amazon gift card for their participation. We are aiming to recruit 300 parents for the project. Adolescent participants will complete both a 90 minute survey and a 14-day daily diary component. They will be compensated up to $100 via Amazon gift card for their participation. We are aiming to recruit 300 adolescents for the project. 

If you have any questions please contact us at Sign-up for the Q-PAL Project by clicking here and filling out a brief survey!  

Please note- If you are under the age of 18, one of your legal guardians needs to complete the survey linked above.