The SaVvy Boutique
Boutique Consignment at It's Finest!
Designer Handbags, Modern Clothing, Jewelry, Shoes & More
Top Quality, Organized,
Personal Focus of Each Item & Great Service!
Accepting your Best FALL & WINTER Items (up to 20 pieces)
Accepting your Best FALL & WINTER Items (up to 20 pieces)
for Same Day Consignment August 1st!
for Same Day Consignment August 1st!
Monday - Saturday
Monday - Saturday
10:30 am - 4:30 pm
10:30 am - 4:30 pm
Closed Sundays
Closed Sundays
We are accepting your Best FALL & WINTER consignments (up to 20 items) Aug 1st!
We are accepting your Best FALL & WINTER consignments (up to 20 items) Aug 1st!
Call for a same day appointment to bring in your items:
Please bring your BEST items and be sure they are items purchased NEW within the last 2-3 years and in tip top condition. No age limit on designer handbags or jewelry.
(please check out: How To Consign).
We always re-use bags that our shoppers bring to us to help Mother Nature stay a little more saVvy!
Thank you to our Great Customers for over 35 Years of Business!
Enjoy 10% off all non-sale Items during your Birthday month!
Enjoy 10% off all non-sale Items during your Birthday month!
Get out your ID and collect your birthday savings.
Get out your ID and collect your birthday savings.