Poodle Haircuts

There are many different poodle haircut styles. There are also many different names for the styles/clips and the naming used is not always consistent.

Show Clips -- These clips are used when showing dogs and include the continental and English saddle. The dog is shaved on certain parts of the body. These clips generally require scissors and clippers. (Clippers are used on the very short/shaved parts and scissors are used for the longer parts)

Pet Clips -- There is a wide variety of ways you can trim your pet. Personally I prefer a poodle who has a cute furry look with no shaved parts. From shortest to longest, a basic poodle haircut is called the kennel clip, sporting clip, lamb clip, and teddy bear clip. These are the clips I prefer. The dog isn’t shaved like they are with show clips and no clippers are required. (Clippers can be used on face, feet, and bottom.) You can modify how long you cut the hair based on the temperature and time of year.

Poodle Haircut Techniques -- There and many different techniques for clipping and trimming poodle hair. Beginners often overlook the use of scissors. Some times the same effect can be achieved with either scissors or clippers -- there is more than one way to clip a poodle! (A short kennel clip can be done with either clippers or scissors.) In general, clippers are used on the very short/shaved parts and scissors are used for the longer parts.

About clippers and scissors -- Clippers work great for shaving and cutting very short. Scissors work better for a longer cut. If you have clippers, they make trimming the face, feet and bottom easier, but aren’t necessary(except for show clips). I have been giving my dogs haircuts for a number of years and seldom use clippers anymore. With scissors you don’t need to get out an extension cord and you don’t have the noise from the clippers and problems with dull clipper blades. Peoples misconception about how to,,when to and when NOT to use clippers is a big reason why so many people don't give there own poodle a haircut.

Accessories -- Scissors, brush, comb, clippers, old sheet, slicker brush, curved scissors. Scissors and a brush are necessary. Adding a comb is helpful. Clippers are needed for show cuts, An old sheet to catch the hair. A slicker brush can be useful. Here is my web page with more information about poodle haircut and grooming accessories.

Expensive accessories -- You don't need all kinds of expensive accessories to give a poodle a haircut! A professional groomer would add a grooming table and high end clippers.

Here are detailed instruction and tips for giving a poodle a haircut:.

How To Give a Poodle a Haircut – Do It Yourself Poodle Haircut Guide (this is at my other website)

This article (c) Copyright 2012 by Mister Dave and The Fastest Poodle

Is this a dog trick or a people trick ? -- I'm not quite sure who taught who!

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This article (c) Copyright 2012 by Mister Dave and The Fastest Poodle