
The Constitution of the Malthus Society [PDF]


The name of this Society shall be the Malthus Society.


The location of the Society shall be at the organization to which the officer managing the Society belongs, and the office of the Society shall be placed at the location. The location shall be decided at the board of officers, and provided, with the term of the office, in an item of bylaws.


The aim of the Society is, through studies of the thoughts and writings of Thomas Robert MALTHUS and his predecessors and successors, to make scientific contributions from the old and the new Malthusian viewpoints to solving the optimal relationship between population and economic resources.


(1) To hold study and lecture meetings.

(2) To cooperate with any like foreign society in order to achieve the above-mentioned aim.

(3) To recommend on request a suitable lecturer to make a presentation.

(4) To publish annually a bulletin and newsletters conveying scientific information.

(5) To publish papers, lectures, and translations done by members.

(6) To carry out, according to the circumstances, other activities in accord with the aims of the Society.


The membership of the Society shall be composed of individuals and groups. Applicants shall be admitted to the Society upon the recommendations of two active members. Membership can get lost when one has not paid the annual membership fee for 2 years. If one who has lost one’s membership makes an application for re-admission to the Society, one has to pay 3 times of the annual membership fee.


The Society shall have the following officers:

One President

One Managing Director

Ten ordinary directors

(Up to three) Nominated directors

Two inspectors

The President and the Managing Director (Secretary of the Society) shall be chosen from among ten ordinary directors and two nominated directors. Ten ordinary directors and two inspectors shall be chosen by and from members of the Society by postal vote. The voting for ordinary directors shall be given priority to the voting for inspectors. (Up to three) Nominated directors shall be nominated from among the members of the Society by the elected directors. The term of elected directors and inspectors shall be 2 years. The term of nominated directors shall be 1 year, and their re-nominations shall not be prevented. The requirement for voting for officers shall be provided extra.


The annual membership fees are as follows:


Master’s Degree Candidates : ¥3,000-

Doctoral Degree Candidates, and Part-Time Employees : ¥5,000-

Full-Time Employees : ¥8,000-

Libraries and Institutions : ¥30,000-

When an individual enters the Society, the Society shall not charge this member for the first year. When necessary, the Society can assess fees from particular individuals, or from particular libraries or institutions, through agreement of the officers.


The expenses necessary for the management of the Society shall be defrayed by the fees, donations, &c.


The fiscal year of the Society shall begin annually from June 1, and shall end on May 31 in the following year.


The Society is empowered to found branches, as necessary.


Bylaw 1. This Constitution shall be put in force from May 24, 1991. (Revision dates: May 15, 1992; May 8, 1993; July 5, 2008; June 29, 2014; July 1, 2018; June 30, 2019.)

Bylaw 2. The Society is located at the Office of Economics (Sapporo Campus), Hokkaido University of Education (5-3-1-3 Ainosato, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 002-8501, Japan. Tel: 011-778-0436. E-mail: