The lab of 

Molecular Bacterial Pathogenesis

Jeong lab @ University of Florida

Research interests

Our research program uses basic and applied science approaches to understand how pathogens interact with hosts for the benefit of animals and humans. The research fits under the umbrella of the One Health concept. The following areas are priorities: I) bacterial pathogenesis in animals and humans, II) investigating host-microbe interactions to understand how pathogens cause disease in hosts, III) high throughput analyses including whole-genome sequencing, microbiome, metagenomics, and bioinformatics to identify and understand bacterial and host genetic factors, IV) antimicrobial resistance focusing on mechanisms of occurrence, transmission and persistence, and VI) development of mitigation strategies and alternative antimicrobials to reduce antimicrobial resistance. We have developed interdisciplinary research programs locally, nationally, and internationally to solve problems relevant to my research areas. 

Research projects
