
Winter Solstice - Solar New Year- Koliada - Yule

Greatest Darkness and Shortest day, the beginning of the yearly cycle. The Sun is reborn. Koleda - is the god of the newborn winter Sun and symbolizes the New Year's cycle. On this holiday we have a spiritual festival that serves as a cleansing act. The main goal is to chase away the old spirits and welcome the new growing seasons or the spring spirits.

Mid-Winter Beginning of Agriculture Year      

Spring Equinox           

Beginning-Summer and Planting Season

Summer Solstice

Mid-Summer First Harvest

Autumn Equinox   

Mid-Autumn - Dziady - Forefathers Eve - Day of the Dead - Hallowmas- (all Hallows Eve, Halloween) Samhain (Sow wen)

Festival marking the transformation of life to death - the end of the agricultural year, departure of migrating and hibernating animals, and decay and death of vegetal and animal life. Observed by remembering departed ancestors and contemplating one's own mortality. Fest of the Dead, Time of reflection and looking back.