The Garden
from One of many there is One for the last and first to become many. and the first who is the last will be taken through the gate’s of God's heart, that is gifted with knowledge, and truth that’s is under the root of a cotton tree that is found in the garden center of a rose bowl from under the trees of God’s garden that is yielding good fruit and a time to harvest the knowledge and serpent that whispers into the souls of men that become many to One and from One to many of the dryads and gardens keepers of the hidden tree of life and the goddess of the garden whose wisdom is given to those who are drawn in by seduction of her whisper; and she asks of them who enter into the garden for knowledge to eat of Her fruit and the fruits of God’s garden that is moist and sweet smelling with morning dew when the garden is ripe, and ready for seeding and the picking of hidden knowledge that is revealed to us in communion with the spirit of God who is Our Father in Heaven. Amen.