400 years of history

Gomirje Monastery and the temple of the St. John the Baptised Foretold Due to constant ottoman intrusions Gomirje , together with all of its surrounding area far and wide, was deserted and uninhabited for a over a hundred years before the Serbs migrated there.

One preserved document from 1772. states that the monastery was built in 1600. The later historians mention years 1601 and 1602 as the date the monastery was founded. Fras recounts that the foundation stone was laid in 1601, and Grbić that the Gomirje Monastery was built in 1602. The same description of the Gomirje Monastery from the year 1772. tells also how the Gomirje people then sent out their men to the ottoman Dalmatia and to the Krka monastery. They came with six monks back to Gomirje ...absque sacerdotibus esse nequeuntes, miserunt aliquos eh puis ad turcicam Dalmatiam ad monasterium Krcam, unde invitarunt kallugeros ad se, et transmigrarunt sim illissex. These monks brought with them sacred objects needed to perform liturgies in the church: books, garments and crosses, and donated them to the Gomirje chapel that they settled next to and used as a temple. The names of three of these six monks are known. They were Aksentije Branković, Visarion Vučković and Mardarije Orlović. They preached using the old chapel and lived next to it.

These monks from Krka came in 1600, and then laid foundations of the monastery in 1601, and the new temple could only have been blessed and established a year later in 1602. Thus, all three historical accounts are truthful because no church or a monastery is built in a day, and Monastery Gomirje was founded and built 1600-1602.

In one letter the Gomirje people wrote... We have these same Fathers, from the very start, taken on as our priests and with great confidence went with them into battle against the enemy as part of our imperial service. When, after that, we received from the famous Chamber the places (plots) awarded to us the people of Gomirje, as confirmed by the privileges of the late emperor Ferdinand I, our Gomirje platoon divided these places to the people (individuals). One small plot we gave to our faithful Fathers (monks). For this, they answer when called by the imperial service and together with us they go against the enemy, not one by one, but sometimes, two or three of them. Our leaders and commanding officers can testify to this as well.

And after that,
