The Foxboro Garden Club provides education, resources and opportunities to promote an interest in the art and science of gardening, floral design, civic and environmental responsibilities. Monthly programs are offered to foster the growth interest and education in gardening and related subjects.
Membership is open to any Foxboro resident and surrounding environs. Dues are $30.00 per individual or $50.00 for two members of the same household. Dues are due in April, two months prior to the June Annual meeting. Please make payments to: Foxboro Garden Club c/o the Treasurer. Membership includes an electronic subscription to the “Mayflower”, a newsletter of the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts. Club members receive an informational club yearbook printed and updated annually.
The Club recommends the obligations below from its members:
Attendance: we request members attend as many meetings as they can but request at least 5 meetings per year.
Committees: Help is always needed on our various committees. We ask that consideration be given for at least one committee or more if possible.
Participation: to facilitate funding for our club, we ask that members help serve at our annual strawberry shortcake fundraiser booth on Founders Day as well as other fundraising events scheduled by the Ways and Means Committee.
Meetings are held at 9:30 am at the Church of Emmanuel, 106 Central St. on the first Monday of the month, September through June unless a change is warranted. Our calendar year runs from September through June with our Annual meeting held in June.
Please complete and return this below form to our membership chairperson,
Carol Haddad, 7 Park Ave. Foxboro MA 02035.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Foxboro Garden Club.