Draw and characterize our mascot

 The English Day 2017 is looking for an official mascot. This is the way we choose it:

1. Every pupil draws and characterizes a mascot.

2. Each group chooses the best mascot of the class. The teacher sends us the mascot.

3. We publish the mascots from the schools that participate in the English Day.

4. Then, each group votes three mascots. One vote can be for its own mascot.

5. Finally, we count the number of votes.

Obviously, the mascot with the greatest number of votes is the winner and becomes the official English Day Mascot! 




2017 Mascot. Donkey.

We already have the winner! American Hawk is our for this year!


David Fernández from ESC Guilleries.

Finalists from 2017!


Mascotes English Day 2017

Dates to get it!

14.11.- Termini de tramesa de les mascotes finalistes al CRP

21.11.- Publicació de les mascotes finalistes al portal web

01.12.- Termini votacions mascotes finalistes

07.12.- Proclamació mascota guanyadora
