ENGLISH - The Euripus Strait Tide Phenomenon


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The Evripos Tide Phenomenon

The continuous function of the phenomenon in accordance with the laws of nature, for thousands of years, shows us that each and every day is a carrier of eternity.

Some have believed they have explained it - and remained with this illusion.

Some others have comprehended its infinity and insolubility.

Explanations are for mortals. The Universe never requires explanations in order to carry on its course in the infinite space.

The tidal phenomenon of Chalkida, observed in the famous Evripos Channel, is a very rare phenomenon of a change of direction in the flow of the sea currents. This phenomenon has provoked the admiration and interest of humans from ancient times, not only from an astronomical and geophysical perspective but also a philosophical one.

The mystery and beauty of this phenomenon captivates the visitor, as its combination with the imprint of the channel creates a remarkable panorama.

The visitor is stunned, observing the change of the water's direction approximately every six (6) hours. The water flows at times from the north Evian Gulf to the south, and at times in the reversed direction, thus confirming the existence of the miraculous physical rules that operate in the frame of nature's cause and effect.

At the location of the old mobile bridge the phenomenon sees its culmination, the speed of the water flow reaching even 9 miles per hour and making the tidal phenomenon even more perceptible.


The arch-shaped mobile bridge, under which the change in the currents' flow occurs, has been established as a meeting point, because there one can achieve the perfect alternation of emotions in conjunction with the beauty of the landscape.

It is evident that at this location the universe conspires for the sake of Evia.

The bridge, connecting the two beautiful parts of the idyllic city, is combined with the stone-laid, wide and long pedestrian street along the seaside, where the visitor, enjoying his stroll, can observe the stars that follow, high on the arch of the sky, the course of the waters and give rise to a tide in one's psyche.

All this panorama causes one to escape from his personal limits and come in touch with the essence of life and the infinity of existence.Observing the tidal phenomenon one discovers, each and every time, that he has never been there before, even though he may have witnessed it so many times.

This happens because the visitor every time finds a new opportunity to unveil the most beautiful moments of intensity and hope.Chalkida, a popular and beloved rural centre, the city of ISAIOS, LYKOFRON, SKALKOTAS, ORESTIS MAKRIS, SKARIMBAS, KRIEZOTIS, MYTARAS, CHATZIARGIRI, KALLIA and ASLANIS, is going through a period of bright rennaisance.It is the city where Aristoteles lived for several years and where, in his time, he developed significant spiritual activity, as described by DIKEARCHOS. The city is full of theatres, temples and monuments adorned by sculptures and paintings.

Despite the fact that modern life needs do not allow for recollection and direct us to ephemeral knowledge, a visit to modern Chalkida and the acquaintance with the tidal phenomenon help us to approach the concept of durability and the remarkable inheritance of centuries past. By observing the city of Chalkida in its holistic presence, one can see order, shape and rhythm in every human activity.

Its hospitable inhabitants, with their superior cultural level, educated in tourism, are distinct for the quality of their offered services.The tidal phenomenon speaks out to the visitors and communicates with them in a language without words. A language that is universal, timeless, only with signs that, until today, man has not succeeded in deciphering.


It is essential for the visitor to know the functional details of the tidal phenomenon, so as to comprehend the submission of the Sea in the Evripos Channel to the structural laws of the universe.The flow of the currents is entirely dependant on the moon and is directly connected to the duration of each lunar month.

The natural flow of the current towards one direction lasts six (6) hours. Immediately afterwards follows a timeframe of approximately eight (8) minutes when the waters remain dormant.After the dormancy of those eight minutes the waters change their orientation and move in the exact opposite direction for another six (6) hours.This interminable process through time has no beginning and end.

It is an encoded expression of the universe, secret to us mortals. It is a procedure that gives cause to the tide and ambotis of the Evripos Channel, awakening the fantasy of the visitors.Immediately after every change of direction, and throughout their six-hour flow, the waters gather speed that gradually reaches 8 to 9 miles per hour.

However, just as with every rule there are exceptions, the universe could not abstain from this.In the duration of a lunar month there are two periods of "insubordination", when the currents do not display a regular flow, do not obey to any law of nature and, naturally, the change of direction every 6 hours is not in effect.These periods of "insubordination" occur twice within the lunar month and last for three days each time.During these periods it is possible for the waters to change direction up to 14 times per 24 hours or, conversely, no change to occur at all for an entire day.

The first period occurs during the 7th, 8th and 9th day of the lunar month and the second during the 21st, 22nd and 23rd day.Thus, in the first case, the currents begin to become insubordinate when the moon is on the transition from the 6th to the 7th day of its month, and return to their standard 6-hour switch of direction when the moon is between the 9th and 10th day of its month. In the second case, the currents become insubordinate between the 20th and 21st day of the lunar month and return to order between the 23rd and 24th day.

Each period commences at 00.01 of the first day and ends on the 24th hour of the last day.What gives a worldwide uniqueness to the tidal phenomenon of Chalkida is the fact that, on the 24th hour of the third and last day of each period of insubordination, which is the 9th and the 23rd day of the lunar month, the sea water always begins to flow from the north part of the Evian Gulf to the south.

This specific moment (at 24.00) is considered a reference point for the calculation, at a specific moment in the future or even the past, of the direction of the currents.Another very interesting observation, that constitutes the second unique feature of the Evripos tidal phenomenon and showcases the remarkable cause-and-effect of nature is that, in the periods of equation (the 21st of March and the 22nd of September), the currents constantly change direction without remaining dormant for the usual 8 minutes, as happens all other days of the year, and show their greatest intensity.

The scientific theory that is preponderant today claims that the tidal phenomenon of the Evripos Gulf is owed to the periodical change of the direction of gravity, due to the horizontal conjunction of the attractive powers of the Moon and the Sun in the centre and the surface of the Earth (according to D.Eginitis in his book "THE PROBLEM OF THE EVRIPOS TIDE"). In other words, magnetic attraction is applied by the Moon and the Sun on the water mass.The movements of the Moon around the Earth and those of the Earth around the Sun effect in such a way that the double attraction applied on our planet by the Sun and the Moon constantly changes direction, causing the application of forces on the earthly waters of the channel, that consequently change their direction periodically.

The Sun's attractive force, despite its incomparably greater mass, is three times smaller than that of the Moon, because it is far more distant.
