Principle Investigator

Shih-Ching Chuang

Title: Professor

Affiliation: Department of Applied Chemistry, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

E-mail:  1.      2.   3.

Tel (office): +886-3-5731858

Work address: R531, Science Building 2, 1001 Ta Hsueh Rd., Hsinchu, Taiwan 30010

ResearcherID: N-5283-2014

ORCID: 0000-0002-6926-9812

Orcid QR code:

Educational Data

        Advisor: Prof. Chien-Hong Cheng

        PhD Thesis: “Nanosurgery of C60” (Advisor: Prof. Yves Rubin, UCLA)

         Advisor: Prof. Koichi Komatsu; Prof. Yasujiro Murata

Awards, Scholarships, Fellowships

2018   Asian Core Program Lectureship (Korea) 

2017   財團法人水木化學文教基金會 傑出青年學者獎  水木化學文教基金會

2015   Asian Core Program Lectureship (Japan) 

2014   Dr. Ta-You Wu Award   Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan

2013   Teaching Award  National Chiao Tung University 

2011   Young Investigator Research Award  College of Science, National Chiao Tung University 

2005   UCLA Chancellor's Dissertation Year Fellowship, UCLA

2005   2001-2004 Teaching Fellowship, UCLA