About Me

Here are the most frequently asked questions about me:

1. Yes I was in the Navy - for 6 years. I did serve on a ship. I was stationed Florida, Virginia, and Hawaii. I served during Desert Shield & Desert Storm. I have fired a gun. I have never shot or killed anyone. The Navy was a wonderful experience that helped me mature and become the person I am today. I'm proud of my military service and am happy to answer questions about it.

2. No, I have never been to space, nor am I an astronaut. I was a Boeing Educator and as part of my Science Cohort at Loyola University, I attended Space Camp for Educators in at the Huntsville Space and Rocket Center. That is where the idea for CASA was born, but not my love of our space program. I grew up with the Space Shuttle Program and it's always inspired me to reach higher and continually learn. And yes, I've often dreamed of going to space - the CASA camp is the next best thing.

3. I am "so smart" because I read constantly and I listen to YOU. My students' ideas, projects and presentations through the years have continued my education and emphasize my philosophy of life-long learning. It's amazing what you can learn, just by interacting with others and appreciating their passions.

4. I know so much about diabetes because I have diabetes. It's Type II or adult-onset diabetes. I have it most likely due to a poor diet during my teens and 20's and the fact that I was severely overweight (I lost 100lbs). Usually, there's a genetic component as well, but I am the only person in my family with the disease so I'm pretty sure I have only myself to blame. But this is why I'm so passionate about health, exercise and diet. They say that 1 out of 3 people born after 2000 are at risk for developing Type II Diabetes. If I can help even one of those students, it will be worth it.

5. Yes, I played hockey. I was a defenseman for several years and then I played as a winger. Now I am retired. No I've never been in a fight and I don't plan on it LOL. Yes, I've scored goals, but I'm no Kane lol. I played in an adult women's travel league and traveled to play in 5 different states - Wisconsin, Iowa, Indiana, Missouri and Illinois, though most of my games were within an hour's drive. I also played on a men's team, as well as a CoEd that did not travel.

6. I was a hockey coach and ran an adult hockey academy to teach adults how to play the game. I've coached youth hockey as well, including a U14 girls travel team. Coaching was my "second job," but I am retired from that now. There are not many female hockey coaches out there, especially ones who've been as successful as I have. I'm very proud of the programs I built and you can usually get me to talk about them. Once in a while, I still keep score at my rink.

7. I ride a motorcycle. During the summer of 2015, I took a 5000+ mile ride all by myself and visited 7 different states, 11 National & State Parks and Monuments. I was gone for a month and tent camped all but 5 nights. I hiked about 500 miles through various mountains, crawled through the Wind National Cave, and kayaked for an entire day. I was a few feet away from bison, elk, moose, deer, prarie dogs, martins, ground squirrels, raccoons and and some very curious chipmunks. I also saw a coyote and a bear. It was an amazing experience so I did it again again in 2017, this time making my way through the southern half of the states. I visited 8 states, friends and family, hiked a couple of awe-inspiring canyons and overcame some really big challenges. In 2020 I went to the Smokey Mountains. I've included a picture of my campsite from the first night below. And in 2021, I rode all the way out to Idaho and back. One day, I want to go to Alaska.

8. I am a member of an organization called Biker's Against Child Abuse.

9. No, I don't have any of my own kids. I have you. Plus two nephews and a niece whom I love more than anything.

10. Cubs or Sox? Neither. I'm a Chicago Wolves Fan.

11. How old am I? 50ish in body, 30ish in mind, and 500ish in spirit.