

We support Wikileaks

The BTI Institute views society as it really is, as opposed to the way the TV and media say it is supposed to be.

We as individuals are part of a group of aquaintances with whom we come into physical contact quite often - people in the office, or pub or club, or wherever we regularly go.

These people are our society - we cannot be sociable with people we have never met.

So when we glance through the fog into the future, we see societies of seventy or so buildings, housing about five hundred people, who live, eat, sleep, work and play together, having already discovered an amicable way of resolving disputes.

These societies are not "governed" by any outsiders -

they are true society.

You will probably feel that a society of 500 is too small for you until you have experienced it.

When 500 people know each other and live in close proximity to each other, the warmth of feeling, and sense of calm that develops is far superior to any feeling that can ever be experienced in a city, except perhaps in a family building which houses 500.

Five hundred people is the maximum number we can know personally, according to Timothy Leary

So please provide as much detail as possible related to your society problem.


Gerard Celente!