Scientific background:

My undergraduate degree was in Mathematics and my Master's thesis on Applied Mathematics and more special on Regular and Chaotic Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems (2004). My PhD thesis was focused on “Hamiltonian systems and applications to galactic dynamics” (2008) and was co-directed by Professors Lia Athanassoula and Tassos Bountis, faculty members respectively at the:

In May 2009 I visited the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems of Dresden for 2 months. Then, from July 1, 2009 till the end of the year, I was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Florence (Italy), collaborating with Professors Stefano Ruffo and Duccio Fanelli on the dynamical behaviour of systems with long-range interactions. In May 2010 I joined the group of Professor Giovanni De Ninno at the University of Nova Gorica (Slovenia) as a visiting researcher, investigating the experimental perspectives of such systems. From October 2011 till August 2014, I worked as a post-doctoral fellow in a joint 3 year-project between the Universities of Maribor and Nova Gorica (Slovenia) on “Quantum chaos and dynamical localization properties”, in collaboration with Professor Marko Robnik at the CAMTP-Center for Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

In September 2014 I joined Professor Peter Tass' group in Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-7), Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany) as Scientific researcher. My main research topic was Mathematical Modelling of Biological Systems and Neuromodulation. From June 2017 and on, and with the new director of INM-7, Brain & Behaviour Professor Simon Eickhoff, I extended my research focus in implementing whole brain dynamical models with more realistic large-scale connectivity. To this end, I use fMRI based neuroimaging and the analyses of inter-individual variability of neuronal dynamics in larger populations. The goal here is to Investigate the impact of several disease states (e.g. Parkinson’s disease) as well as aging in resting states brain activity and functional connectivity dynamics. In September 2019, I started working as Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modélisation (LPTM) of CNRS, CY Tech - Institut des Sciences et Techniques - CY Cergy Paris Université (France). 

Since September 1st, 2022, I am working as Associate Professor (HDR) at ​the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technolgy, CY Cergy Paris Université - CY Tech - Institut des Sciences et Techniques, France. I am a member of ​​the ETIS lab of CNRS and lecturer at the Bachelor Program "International Bachelor Data Science by Design" between the CY Cergy Paris Université & CY Tech - Institut des Sciences et Techniques