
Published and accepted papers :

"Reputation vs Selection Effects in Markets with Informational Asymmetries" (with Sotiris Georganas and Matthias Sutter) [The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2024, 1–26,] Previously circulated as "Driving to the Beat: Reputation vs Selection in the Taxi Market"

"Rice Farming and the Origins of Cooperative Behavior" (with Xiaoyu Zhou and Michael Naef), [The Economic Journal, Volume 133, Issue 654, August 2023, Pages 2504–2532,]

One judge to rule them all: single-member courts as an answer to delays in criminal trials”, (with Konstantinos Kalliris) [Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 2023, 20( 1), 233– 268.]

Work in progress:

"Social norms about bribing under competition and monitoring: can we nudge them? A behavioural study in five countries", (with Thorsten Chmura, Cormac Bryce, Elizabeth David-Barrett, and Marcus Giamattei).

”Inter-ethnic interactions, nation building policies and identity formation: Evidence from Zambia”, (with Cleopas Sambo and Kacana Sipangule Khadjavi).

"Preferences for interacting with artificial agents: culture vs individual traits", (with Thorsten Chmura and Ludovica Orlandi).

"Risk taking with positive externalities", (with Thorsten Chmura and Ludovica Orlandi).

"Who despises whom: trust and cooperaton within regions in the UK, Germany, and Italy", (with Thorsten Chmura and Ludovica Orlandi).

Policy papers:

"Accelerating the delivery of justice vs. bureaucratic resistance to reform",  (2017), European Liberal Forum policy papers" (with Konstantinos Kalliris)

"Behavioural drivers of public procurement corruption: A multi-country analysis”, (forthcoming), Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, (with Thorsten Chmura, Liz David-Barrett, Bryce Cormac, and Marcus Giamattei)"