N Scale B&O N-4 Wooden Hopper

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N Scale B&O N-4 Wooden Hopper

This is an long delayed project, helped along by serious contributions of information from Eric Cox and Ed Kirstatter, so a big thanks to these gentlemen, and others who have commented and provided encouragement to complete the project.

There has been a sample print of the hopper from Shapeways, and here it is as received:

Figure 1 - Two B&O N-4 Hoppers Really Close to N Scale 1:160

Here is the under detail, plastic and metal:

Figure 2 - Views of the Underside Area of the N-4 Hoppers

Here is more, drawing progress as of 22 December 2017, 1:13 PM:

Figure 3 - Improved Bolster and Coupler Fitting for the

MT 903/5 and MT True-Scale

Figure 4 - Strengthened Sprue to Retain Brake Wheel

Progress on the working almost ready for print two-hopper drawing and grab-iron bending jig for 0.008" phosphor-bronze wire, if it will work.

(two types of coupler mounts used, one 1300 coupler shown)

This is for the grab-irons:

Looks like this installed (hopefully)

More later....

PS, needs paint, grabirons, couplers, trucks.  And some updates, like a more printable brake wheel.