Research Highlights

"Revealing the growth mechanism of ultra-flat single crystal copper thin film"

This work (Nature Communications 2023) has been covered by media. 

Please see: [한국강사신문][부산일보][CNB News]

"New method to monitor Alzheimer’s proteins"

This work (ACS Nano 2020) has been covered by media. 

Please see: [MBC][연합뉴스][조선비즈][서울경제] [][nanowerk] [scienmag] [EurekAlert!]

"Electric tuning of slow light"

This work (ACS Photonics 2018) has been covered by media. 

Please see: [연합뉴스][조선비즈][전자신문][IT뉴스][신소재경제][이웃집과학자]

"Ultrathin and Flat Graphene Metalenses Gain More Properties"

"Graphene-ferroelectric memory and logic metadevices"

This work (Nature Communications 2016) has been covered by media. 

Please see: [동아일보][연합뉴스][아시아 경제][서울경제]

"Nondispersive optical activity of meshed helical metamaterials"

This work (Nature Communications 2014) has been covered by media. 

Please see: [동아일보][연합뉴스][디지털타임즈][중도일보]

“Switching terahertz wave with gate-controlled active graphene metamaterials”  introduced in Science, 2013

This work (Nature Materials 2012) has been covered by media. 

Please see: [동아일보][아시아 경제][사이언스타임즈]

Highlighted in Nature Photonics, Dec., 2012

 “Switching terahertz waves with gate-controlled active graphene metamaterials,”