Born in September 29, 1968. Havana Cuba. Graduated from the José Antonio Echeverría Polytechnic Institute with a Degree in Civil Engineering (1991) and from the San Alejandro Academy of Fine Art with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (1995).
2010- “Personajes pendientes” Zu Gallery. Miami. USA
2008- “The texture of Time”. Cremata Fine Art. Miami. USA.
2005- “What’s your sign?”, David’s Café. Miami Beach, USA.
2004- “Mystic vs. Praxis”, O&Y Gallery, Miami, USA.
2003- “Passion for Don Quijote”, Private Gallery, Miami, USA.
2001- “Tropical Dreams”, Little Havana To Go, Miami, USA.
2001- Sample for Havana Fine Arts Gallery. Cuba Nostalgia Fair. Coconut Grove. Convention Center. Miami. USA
1995-“Five Old Panics”. Havana Performing Arts Festival. Trianón Theater. Havana. Cuba
1994-“Esperando que llegue la guerra”. Khalo Gallery. 5th Havana Plastic Arts Biennial, Havana. Cuba.
1993- “Pintar, la Libertad”. Boyeros Arts Center Gallery. Havana. Cuba.
-“La virgen de todos”. Qbava Gallery. West NY. New Jersey. USA
-"Just One Island". Qbava Gallery. New Jersey. USA
-CAFÉ X JOURNEY OF A CUBAN ARTITST, Errol Barrow Center for Creative Imagination, West Indies University, Barbados
-"La virgen de todos". Qbava Gallery. New Jersey. USA
-“Café VII” in Roma. Roma. Italia.
-Art Across Arkansas. Bill Clinton Library and THEA Foundation. Arkansas. USA.
-Ancient Times Collection. Miami. USA.
- “Café VI”: The Journey of Cuban Artist. Union Gallerie, University of Arizona, Arizona, USA
- Small Format Exhibit, La Bohenme Gallery, Coral Gables, USA.
-“Artjiaco”. Brickell District. Miami. USA.
-“Angels”, Cremata Fine Art, Calle 8, Little Havana, Miami, USA
-“A Mango Well Dressed”, Mi Arte Gallery, Coral Gables, Miami, USA
-“League Against Cancer”, Cruiser Freedom of the Seas, Miami, USA
-“Café V: The Journey of Cuban Artist”. Tempe Public Library Galleries, Tempe, Arizona, USA.
-“World Refuge Day“, Miami International University of Art& Design
-“Sun Day on the mile“, Coral Gables, USA
-“League Against Cancer”, Cruiser Freedom of the Seas and Vizcaya, Events for Relief, Miami, USA
-“Uniting Artists for Tsunami Relief“, Miami, River Nithlife, USA
- Small Format Exhibit , La Bohenme Gallery, Coral Gables, USA.
-"Los cocos" and "La música" Thematic Expo, Casa Juancho, Miami, USA
-“From Here and From There" Contemporary Cuban Artists, The Fraser Gallery Bethesda , Washington DC, USA
-“Café III: The Journey of Cuban Artist” The Interdisciplinary Arts and Performance
Art Gallery at ASU West, Arizona University, Arizona
-Third Annual Juried Student Art Show, Miami Dade Community College, Miami, USA
-“Café II: The Journey of Cuban Artist”, Gallery of Contemporary Art University of Colorado Springs, Colorado , USA
-The Latin Art Exhibit, Latin Brush Strokes Fine Art Gallery, Naples, Fl, USA
-Collective Fine Arts Exhibition, Franmart Fine Arts Gallery, Miami, USA
- Small Format Exhibit , La Bohenme Gallery, Coral Gables, USA.
-“Centri Urbani”, Creative service Gallery, Roma, Italy.
- International Graphic Arts Center , Tholos Gallery, Venecia, Italia
-“Natura Latino-Mediterranea”, L' Arcaccio Gallery, Bari, Italy.
-“Through Cuban Eyes”, The Puffin Cultural Forum, Puffin Fundation LTD, New Jersey, USA.
-“Through Cuban Eyes”, New York Center for the Arts and Activism, Puffin Foundation LTD, N.Y, USA.
-“Through Cuban Eyes”, MHC Gallery, Manitoba , Canada.
-Horizontal Project in the Morro Castle, Morro Castle Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
-“Trip á Trois”, Classical Art Gallery, West New York, New Jersey, USA.
-“De lo Real a lo Maravilloso”, Torre del Reloj Gallery, Mexico City , Mexico.
-“Pintura Habanera”, Maracaibo Drama Society ,Maracaibo , Venezuela
-“ Arte Cubano”, Le Volte Gallery, Modugno , Bary, Italy.
-“Cuba, Hasta la Pintura Siempre”, Il Circolo Pivot Gallery, Bary, Italy.
-“San Alejandro Teacher’s Salon , Provincial Plastics Arts and Design Center Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
-“A mitad del sueño”, Veracrúz Cultural Center , Veracrúz, México.
-“Exposicion Colectiva de Pintores de Santiago de las Vegas”, Casa de la Obrapía Gallery,Havana, Cuba.
-“Homenaje a Dulce Maria Loynaz, Bestiarium”, 23 & 12 Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
-“Los Monstruos de la Razón”, Provincial Plastic Arts and Design Center, Havana, Cuba.
-“Tres razones para no ir al Cielo”, Juan David Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
-Small Format Exhibit, L Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
-“El Mundo Patas Arriba”, Arte 7 Gallery ,Yara Cinematographic Culture Center. Havana,Cuba.
-“Quién le Pone el Tornillo al Gato?”, San Alejandro Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
-Exhibits in Commemoration of the 175th Anniversary of San Alejandro, 23&12 Gallery (painting), Center for the Development of Visual Arts (engraving),Amelia Pélaez Gallery (sculpture), Havana, Cuba.
-“Los Tres Huecos de la Pared”, Boyeros Arts Center Gallery, Habana, Cuba.
1993-“Hagan Juegos Compañeros”, San Antonio de los Baños Museum of Humor ,
1992-“Del Bobo un Pelo”, Museum of April (Armory), Havana, Cuba
-Salon del Humor, San Antonio de los Baños Museum of Humor, Havana,
-“Quién le Tiene Miedo al Bobo?”, San Antonio de los Baños Museum of
Humor. Havana, Cuba
-“Tarequex”, Juan David Gallery, 7th Humor Biennial. Havana, Cuba.
BOOKS (Cover and designs)
2007-“Leve Historia de Cuba” Enrique Del Risco y Francisco Garcia. Pureplay.
Los Angeles. California
2003-"El Comandante ya tiene quien le escriba” Enrisco. Ediciones Universal, Miami
1999-"Lágrimas de Cocodrilo" Enrique del Risco. Calembé Selection. Cádiz,
1997-"Los Bosques de Cuba" Enrique del Risco. Havana, Cuba.
1995-" Promotional Arts Book Project "(various contributors) Vol.II
from"Banco de Ideas Z". Havana, Cuba.
1993-"El Elefantico verde" Eduardo del LLano. Havana, Cuba.
1991-"Obras Encogidas" Enrique del Risco. Havana, Cuba.
2005-Post Card and image of Celia Cruz, Celia Cruz Foundation, Miami, USA.
-“Revista Carteles Award 2005” Prize Realization, Tower Theater, Miami, USA
2003-Poster for the International Children’s Day (XVIII International Hispanic Theater Festival).
Sponsors: American Air lines, Miami Dade Community College and Avante Theater.
-Prop realization for the performance "El vuelo del Quijote". Avante
Theater, Miami, USA
2002-Poster for the International Children’s Day (XVII International Hispanic
Theater Festival). Sponsors : American Air lines, Avante Theater, Coca-Cola
Foundation and Miami Dade Community College
-Prop realization for the performance "La feria de los inventos". Avante
Theater, Miami, USA
1996-Prop realization for the performance "Calígula". El Público Group Theater. Havana.Cuba.
1993-Short stories , Aquelarre Magazine, issue No 1. Havana, Cuba.
-Participation in Aquelarre Humor Festival , Sponsored by Hermanos
Saiz Association. Cuba.
1991-Design and active participation in the newspaper "Mural Aquelarre".
Havana, Cuba
2003-“Coexistence Miami” First Place, The Seam Museum, Jerusalem, Israel
The Seam Museum, Jerusalem, Israel
Clinton Library and THEA Foundation, Arkansas, USA
Veracrúz Cultural Center, Veracrúz, México
Contemporary Art University of Colorado Springs, Colorado , USA