Teis Lunde Lømo

Welcome to my website.

I am an associate professor at the Department of Economics at the University of Bergen.

I am also an affiliate of the Bergen Center for Competition Law and Economics (BECCLE) and a member of the Norwegian Competition Appeals Tribunal.

My field of research is IO-theory, in particular vertical relations, partial ownership, and competition policy. My papers are listed below.

You can contact me at teis.lomo[at]uib.no.


Secret two-part tariffs and retailer risk aversion

    Review of Industrial Organization, forthcoming. (Open access.)

Overlapping ownership and input prices

    International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2024, 94: 103067. (Open access.)

Overlapping ownership, pass-through, and product differentiation

    Economics Letters, 2024, 237: 111628. (Open access.)

Input price discrimination with two-part tariffs and quantity competition

    Economics Letters, 2023, 225: 111070. [WP-version.]

Lump-sum payments and retail services: A relational contracting perspective (with Simen Aardal Ulsaker)

    Journal of Industrial Economics, 2021, 69(1), pp. 131-168. [WP-version.]

Vertical control, opportunism, and risk sharing

    Economics Letters, 2020, 191: 109114. (Open access.)

Resale price maintenance in two-sided markets (with Tommy Staahl Gabrielsen and Bjørn Olav Johansen)

    Journal of Industrial Economics, 2018, 66(3), pp. 570-609. [WP-version.]

Working papers

Competitive effects of partial vertical ownership: The invariance result revisited

Input price discrimination with partially efficient fixed fees

On banning price discrimination in input markets: downstream exclusion and contract type

Slotting allowances and exclusion on a level playing field (with Frode Meland and Håvard Mork Sandvik)

Upstream Pricing Pressure (with Bjørn Olav Johansen)

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