
Made available under the terms of GNU General Public License. The corpus is distributed without any warranty.

To support research on entrainment in cooperative multi-party dialogues, we have created the Teams corpus. Teams Release 1 (November 2016) contains over 47 hours of audio data for teams of three or four speakers playing two rounds of a cooperative board game. Future releases will add video, transcription, and questionnaire data.

To access the Teams corpus, please fill out the following form and send us a request. We respect your privacy and will not use your information for any purpose other than to contact you with a link to download the corpus, inform you of updates, and to assess interest in the resource.

Corpus Download Request

If you are only interested to be informed of future updates and releases, please fill out the following form and we will inform you when a new update is available.

Corpus Notification Request


The main paper describing the Teams corpus:

Diane Litman, Susannah Paletz, Zahra Rahimi, Stefani Allegretti and Caitlin Rice (2016). The Teams Corpus and Entrainment in Multi-Party Spoken Dialogues. 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Austin, Texas, USA. [pdf]