British and World Literature

In the pages that follow you will find a selection of teaching materials--discussion questions, essay topics, vocabulary quizzes--that I used successfully in my 9th-12th grade literature classes. These materials were developed for specific works; however, I believe the principles underlying them are applicable to any works in your book room:

  • vocabulary and literary devices are best taught in context (i.e., in conjunction with the study of specific works)
  • teachers need to find creative ways to ensure that students are actually reading assigned works, not just relying on internet plot summaries (see my passage identification quizzes as one strategy)
  • literature study and student writing practice can be effectively integrated
  • students benefit from three types of writing assignments--personal, analytical (about literature and issues), and creative; "creative" topics can be related to literature study (see the Chaucer assignment in the pages that follow for an example)