Frequently Asked Questions

Am I eligible to join?

If you have been previously initiated into Tau Beta Pi, then you are eligible to join. If you are an engineering student in Georgia, please reach out to one of the following collegiate chapters to see if you are eligible for initiation:

How do I join?

Our primary method of communication is through email, so please reach out and be sure to include the chapter you were initiated and the year you graduated, so that we can confirm your membership with the national database.

How much does it cost to join?

Membership dues are $5 per year, payable by December 1st. Contact the Treasurer for payment instructions.

How do I know what's going on with the chapter?

Email is our primary mode of communication, and periodic announcements will be shared on our Home page.

Additional Questions

If you have further questions, or if you'd like to contact our Officer Board, please send us an email.