Welcome to the Tau Beta Pi Atlanta Alumni Chapter Website!
The Atlanta Alumni Chapter was established to keep Tau Bates in the Atlanta Area in touch and help support the Georgia Tech Chapter of Tau Beta Pi.
2023 Announcements
March 6, 2023
Tau Beta Pi Day is almost here! We would like to celebrate excellence in engineering with you next Tuesday, March 14th, at 7:00PM by taking the ratio of circumference to diameter of (and eating) some pizza pies. Please fill out the survey sent through email if you are interested in attending so that we can solve for the optimal venue.
March 1, 2023
Congratulations to our chapter officers for getting elected to the upcoming term (March 1, 2023 to Feb 28, 2024).
President - John Pederson, GA-A 2021
Secretary/Vice President - Kimmy Romstad, MI-Q 2014
Treasurer - David Ediger, DC-G 2008
Thank you to all who voted, and thank you to our outgoing and incoming officers for serving the chapter!
2022 Announcements
August 1, 2022
Be on the look out for emails! Events with the Georgia Alpha collegiate chapter are coming soon.
February 24, 2022
Congratulations to our chapter officers for getting elected to the upcoming term (March 1, 2022 to Feb 28, 2023).
President - Megan McSweeney, RI-B 2018
Secretary/Vice President: John Pederson, GA-A 2021
Treasurer: David Ediger, DC-G 2008
Thank you to all who voted, and thank you to our outgoing and incoming officers for serving the chapter!
2018 Announcements
January 15, 2018
A new Atlanta area alum, Tanya Kiryutina is organizing a networking/social event. Funds will be raised on site. Tanya writes:
I'll make a reservation at South City Kitchen Midtown for Sat, Jan 27 at 1:30 pm. It’s next to Piedmont Park were we can go for a nice walk afterwards if weather permits. Please RSVP before Mon, Jan 22. I’ll need to know the exact number of people attending and adjust the rreservation accordingly.
January 2, 2018
As we start the new year, we must also elect new officers for our chapter. The officer positions are:
Secretary / Vice President
The duties of these officers are to ensure that we have local area events, ratify the convention C&B changes, and pay dues and taxes.
The schedule goes as follows:
Nominations will be taken Jan 3-19
Ballots will be sent out with 1 week to respond Jan 22-31
New officers will be announced in February
All members must be current on dues to be eligible to vote in the election. Annual dues are $5 (and go towards the chapter's annual headquarters dues).
While voting on the officer elections we will also ratify the convention constitution and bylaws changes. This was the year ofthe big overhaul so there are a lot of C&B changes, most of which move simple regulations from the C&B into a binding policy document to provide for more institutional flexibility. For the full change click here.
2017 Announcements
March 15, 2017
District 5 Conference (which includes the chapters in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and Puerto Rico) will be held at Georgia Tech on April 1-2, 2017 and District Directors would love to have alumni involvement with the conference. We’ll be sending at more information about the District Conference soon.
March 3, 2017
Tau Beta Pi Day: Atwood’s Pizza in Midtown (817 West Peachtree St. Suite A105, Atlanta, GA) for Tau Beta Pi Day on March 14 at 7pm.
March 1, 2017
Congratulations to the newly elected TBP Atlanta Alumni Chapter Officers for the March 1, 2017 to Feb 28, 2018 term:
President - James Fairbanks, GA-A 2016
Secretary - Meghan Ferrall-Fairbanks, FL-A 2012
Treasurer - David Ediger, DC-G 2008
Furthermore, the active members voted to ratify the constitutional amendment from the 2016 Convention to:
Grant the authority for the Convention to set the size of the Executive Council, clarify requirements for reelection to the Executive Council, remove references to the election of groups to serve on the Executive Council, and define the process for electing members of the Executive Council at Convention.
2016 Announcements
February 10, 2016
The Alumni chapter meet for a networking lunch at Brio Tuscan Grill at Perimeter Mall in Dunwoody on Saturday, February 25, 2016 at noon.
2015 Announcements
May 2, 2015
SweetWater Brewery Tour: The Alumni Chapter meet at SweetWater Brewery and had a VIP Tour and Tasting event on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 5:30pm.
The Atlanta Alumni Chapter's first annual meeting was organized at Brio Tuscan Grille on Saturday, March 14th at 12:30pm. Richard Kirby, LA G '71, shared his wisdom on career development and advancement. We also re-elected Meghan Ferrall as chapter President and David Ediger as chapter Treasurer and elected Sergey Belous as our new chapter Secretary and voted to pass the 2014 Ratification Ballot from the 2014 TBP National Convention.
TBP GAA Chapter invited the alumni to attend the initiation ceremony on April 11th with check in beginning at 5:15 followed by the ceremony, and the dinner beginning at 7 pm at the Georgia Tech Hotel.
March 2, 2015
Tau Beta Pi Day Luncheon: The Atlanta Alumni Chapter's first annual meeting was organized at Brio Tuscan Grille on Saturday, March 14th at 12:30pm. Richard Kirby, LA G '71, shared his wisdom on career development and advancement. We also re-elected Meghan Ferrall as chapter President and David Ediger as chapter Treasurer and elected Sergey Belous as our new chapter Secretary.
2014 Announcements
October 27, 2014
TBP GAA Chapter has invited alumni to attend the initiation ceremony on November 15th with check in beginning at 5:15 followed by the ceremony, and the dinner beginning at 7 pm at the Georgia Tech Hotel.
August 10, 2014
Brio Tuscan Grille Alumni Lunch: The Atlanta Alumni Chapter of Tau Beta Pi invites you to lunch (or brunch) at Brio Tuscan Grille, 700 Ashwood Parkway in Dunwoody, at 12 noon on Saturday, August 23. The event will be Dutch treat, each of us paying for our own meals. This is a good opportunity to meet the current alumni officers and hear about their plans for the upcoming year as well as to network with other alumni in the area. Pictures of the event can be found on the Event Pictures page or by clicking here.
April 24, 2014
SweetWater Brewery Tour: The TBP Atlanta Alumni Chapter has organized a SweetWater VIP Tour and Tasting Event for Thursday, May 8th from 5:30pm-7:30pm. It is $25 per person, which includes 6 tasting tickets, catering by Fox Bros. BBQ, SweetWater Souvenir Glass, SweetWater Brewery Tours, and complimentary parking.
March 15, 2014
Ratification Ballot & Bylaw Voting: email sent out asking active members to vote on the amendments passed at the 2013 National Convention and new chapter bylaws that have a stream-lined leadership structure and utilize the President's power to form committees to help guide task forces for chapter event organizing. Check them out in our Chapter Documents or here!
March 4, 2014
Meeting: Saturday, March 22, 2014 at 10am at the Georgia Tech Student Center in the Crescent Room. We'll be discussing modifying our chapter's leadership structure to become more active, ratifying amendments voted on at the 2013 Tau Beta Pi National Convention, and planning events for the rest of the year. Hope to see you all there!
2013 Announcements
May 30, 2013
Chapter Installation Banquet: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 at Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurant in Midtown, 848 Peachtree Street, NE, Atlanta, Georiga. Our featured speaker of the night was Dr. Lyle Feisel, IA A '61, the 2002 TBP Distinguished Alumnus and author of the popular "Lyle's Laws" articles the appeared in THE BENT over the past decade.
April 3, 2013
Meeting: Saturday, April 20 at 9:30am at the Georgia Tech Student Center in the Food Court Seating Area. If you are parking in the Student Center parking lot, as you come in from the doors on the street level, you turn left down the hallway to reach the seating area. Hope to see you all there!
February 11, 2013
Meeting: Saturday, February 23, 2013 at 9:30am. We are looking for a breakfast place that can accommodate a larger group, so if you have any suggestions, please email Meghan Ferrall. Also, please RSVP if you plan on attending the meeting, so we have a good estimated head count. At this meeting we will hold officer elections, so if you are interested in running for an officer position, please submit your nomination ahead of time.
January 30, 2013
Meeting: Saturday, February 9, 2013 at 1:00pm at the Georgia Tech Student Center Room 359, where we will be officially voting to approve our chapter bylaws and hold officer elections. If you are anticipating running for an officer position or nominating someone else for an officer position, please submit your nomination ahead of time.