
Working papers

Do Sovereign Debt Ratings Factor in Exposure to Climate Change?


Published papers

Hysteresis and the Long Shadow of the Exchange Rate Regime


Review of Keynesian Economics, forthcoming

The Cost of a Currency Peg during the Great Recession 


Open Economies Review 34, 255-279, 2023

Does Democracy Cause Gender Equality?


Journal of Institutional Economics 19, 210-228, 2023

Too Big to Fail and Moral Hazard: Evidence from an Epoch of Unregulated Commercial Banking

(With Peter Sandholt Jensen)

IMF Economic Review 70, 808–830, 2022

Historical Migration and Contemporary Health

(With Carl-Johan Dalgaard, Pablo Selaya, and Christian Skovsgaard)

Oxford Economic Papers 73, 955-981, 2021

Preaching Democracy: The Second Vatican Council and the Third Wave

(With Peter Sandholt Jensen)

Journal of Comparative Economics 47, 525-540, 2019

Fads and Trends in OECD Economic Thinking on Denmark: A Word Frequency Approach


Econ Journal Watch 16, 218-238, 2019

Join to Prosper: An Empirical Analysis of EU Membership and Economic Growth?

(With Mikkel Barslund and Pieter Vanhuysse)

Kyklos 72: 211-238, 2019

Pre-Reformation Roots of the Protestant Ethic

(With Jeanet Bentzen, Carl-Johan Dalgaard and Paul Sharp)

Economic Journal 127: 1756-1793, 2017

The macroeconomics of a delayed recovery from the global financial crisis: A comparative approach

(With Nikolaj Malchow-Møller)

Singapore Economic Review 62: 1179-1194, 2017

The Heavy Plow and the Agricultural Revolution in Medieval Europe 

(With Peter Sandholt Jensen and Christian Volmar Skovsgaard)

Journal of Development Economics 118: 133-149, 2016

Climate and the Emergence of Global Income Differences

(With Carl-Johan Dalgaard and Pablo Selaya)

Review of Economic Studies 83: 1334-1363, 2016

Innovations in mortgage finance and the onset of the Great Recession in a small open economy with a euro peg

(With Nikolaj Malchow-Møller)

Comparative Economic Studies 57: 711-737, 2015

Inflation targeting and macroeconomic performance since the Great Recession

(With Nikolaj Malchow-Møller and Jens Nordvig)

Oxford Economic Papers 67: 598-613, 2015

How Much Did China’s WTO Accession Increase Economic Growth in Resource-Rich Countries?

(With Mikkel Barslund, Casper Worm Hansen, Thomas Harr, and Peter Sandholt Jensen)

China Economic Review 30: 16-26, 2014

Is Africa’s Recent Growth Sustainable?

(With Peter Sandholt Jensen)

International Economic Journal 28: 207-223, 2014

Power Outages and Economic Growth in Africa

(With Carl-Johan Dalgaard)

Energy Economics 38: 19-23, 2013

Lightning, IT Diffusion and Economic Growth across US States

(With Jeanet Bentzen, Carl-Johan Dalgaard, and Pablo Selaya)

Review of Economics and Statistics 94: 903-924, 2012

The Finance-Growth Thesis: A Skeptical Assessment

(With Sam Jones and Finn Tarp)

Journal of African Economies 21 (AERC Supplement 1): i57-i88, 2012

Walking the talk: the need for a trial register for development interventions

(With Nikolaj Malchow-Møller and Ole Dahl Rasmussen)

Journal of Development Effectiveness 3:  502-519, 2011

Does the Internet Reduce Corruption: Evidence from U.S. States and across Countries

(With Jeanet Bentzen, Carl-Johan Dalgaard, and Pablo Selaya)

World Bank Economic Review 25: 387-417, 2011

Flows of People, Flows of Ideas, and the Inequality of Nations

(With Carl-Johan Dalgaard)

Journal of Economic Growth 16: 1-32, 2011

IMF and Economic Reform in Developing Countries

(With Phil Abbott and Finn Tarp)

Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 50: 17-26, 2010

E-government as an anti-corruption strategy


Information Economics and Policy 21: 201-210, 2009

Auditing, Capital Requirements and Franchise Values in Optimal Bank Regulation

(With Thomas Harr)

Journal of Emerging Market Finance 7: 81-101, 2008

Petrodollars, Portfolio Restructuring and Long-Term Interest Rates

(With Sofie Nedergaard Fich and Frank Øland Hansen)

Danmarks Nationalbank Monetary Review 3Q: 49-58, 2007

Strategic Interaction in Undeveloped Credit Markets

(With Nikolaj Malchow-Møller)

Journal of Development Economics 80: 275-29, 2006

US Politics and World Bank IDA-Lending

(With Henrik Hansen and Thomas Markussen)

Journal of Development Studies 42: 772-794, 2006

On US Politics and IMF Lending

(With Thomas Harr and Finn Tarp)

European Economic Review 50: 1843-1862, 2006

Commentaires sur l'intervention de Jean-Philippe Platteau

(With Finn Tarp)

Afrique Contemporaine 211: 215-232, 2004

[English version published in:  Poverty, Inequality and Growth Proceeding of the AFD-EUDN Conference 2003, pp 331-355]

Financial Liberalization, Financial Development and Economic Growth

(With Finn Tarp)

Journal of International Development 15: 189-209, 2003

Finansiel udvikling og økonomisk vækst


Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift 139: 77-93, 2001