Taxi Service Ashdod

Taxi Service Ashdod

Station de taxi à Ashdod:

Taxi ashdod israel, Taxi ashdod port, Ashdod taxi companies, Get taxi ashdod, Ashdod taxi servicetaxis ashdod.

Téléphone: +972-72-392-5838 (international number)
Taxi ashdod numero 072-392-5923 (israeli phone number)

More Details:

Order a Taxi Ashdod

Call now! 24/7 response

Modern cars, courteous service and coordinated pick up/drop off

Airport transport : TLV Ben Gurion Airport


Ashdod to Ben Gurion 250 NIS

Ashdod to Netanya 400 NIS

Ashdod to Jérusalem 350 NIS

Ashdod to Mer Morte 650 NIS

Taxi ashdod to jerusalem 350 NIS

Taxi ashdod tel aviv 200 NIS

Taxi ashdod port to jerusalem 350 NIS

Taxi ashdod ashkelon 120 NIS

Taxi from ashdod to ben gurion airport 250 NIS

Taxi service ashdod port-jerusalem 350 NIS

Taxi cost from ashdod to tel aviv 200 NIS

Prix taxi ashdod tel aviv 200 NIS