
Reviewed Papers


2020-2023 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI "KIBAN C"

2018-2020 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI "WAKATE"

2016-2018 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI "WAKATE B"

2011 Foundation for the Promotion of Engineering Research Overseas Travel Grant for Young Researchers

2012-2014 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science DC2


Paper Award (encouragement award) from SEGJ, 2022

Best Presentation Award at 136th SEGJ conference, 5-7, June, 2017, Tokyo, Japan

Best Presentation Award at 132th SEGJ conference, 11-13, May, 2015, Tokyo, Japan

Excellent Student Presenter at Near Surface Geophysics Asia Pacific Conference, 17-19, July, 2013, Beijing, China