
Claire LELARGE (UPS), joint with Joaquin Blaum (Brown Univ.) and Michael Peters (Yale) , "Firm Size and the Intensive Margin of Import Demand",  Journal of International Economics (2019, CNRS:1), CEPR WP13700, Main findings: in English and in French; Very old but detailed version of the empirical analyses: CEPR WP12237; Replication materials.

Margherita COMOLA (UPS), joint with Silvia Prina (Northeastern Univ.) , "Treatment Effects Accounting for Network Changes", Review of Economics and Statistics  (2021, CNRS:1), working paper version.

José DE SOUSA (UPS), joint with Anne-Celia Disdier (PSE INRA) and Carl Gaigne (Smart-Lereco INRA), "Export Decision under Risk",  European Economic Review (2020, CNRS:1).

Claire LELARGE (UPS), joint with Daron Acemoglu (MIT) and Pascual Restrepo (Boston University), "Competing with Robots: Firm-Level Evidence from France", AEA P&P (2020) and NBER Working Paper 26738.

Jean LACROIX (UPS), joint with Pierre-Guillaume Méon (ULB) and Khalid Sekkat (ULB) "Democratic Transitions Can Attract Foreign Direct Investment: Effect, Trajectories, and the Role of Political Risk", Journal of Comparative Economics (2021, CNRS:1).

José DE SOUSA (UPS), joint with Pierre Deschamps, "Labor mobility and racial discrimination", European Economic Review (2021, CNRS:1)

Margherita COMOLA (UPS), joint with Silvia Prina (Northeastern University) “Savings Accounts’ Interplay with Network-based financial Arrangements: Evidence from a Field Experiment”, forthcoming, Economic Journal (2022, CNRS: cat 1) 

Jean LACROIX (UPS), joint with Pierre-Guillaume Méon (ULB) and Kim Oosterlinck (ULB), "Political Dynasties in Defense of Democracy: The Case of Frances 1940 Enabling Act" forthcoming, Journal of Economic History (2022, CNRS: cat 1) 

Jean LACROIX (UPS), "Ballots Instead of Bullets? The Effect of the Voting Rights Act on Political Violence", conditionally accepted, Journal of the European Economic Association (2022, CNRS: cat 1) 

Additional good news:

Working Papers:

Claire LELARGE (UPS), joint with Nicholas Lawson (UQAM) and Grigorios Spanos (GSEM), "The Minimum Wage in Firms' Organizations:  Productivity Implications", 2023, CEPR WP18425. .

Jean LACROIX (UPS), joint with Aidt, T., Meon, P-G. (2022), "The Origins of Elite Persistence: Evidence from Political Purges in post-World War II France", May 2022, Cambridge Working Papers in Economics CWPE2232, CESifo, DIAL, ULB.

Claire LELARGE (UPS), joint with Clémence Berson and Raphaël Lardeux, "The Cognitive Load of Financing Constraints: Evidence from Large Scale Wage Surveys", November 2021, CEPR WP16541.

Margherita COMOLA (UPS), joint with Amit Dekel (PSE) “Network Externalities in Bilateral Links: What’s the Value of Friends of Friends?”, submitted

Margherita COMOLA (UPS), joint with Carla Inguaggiato and Mariapia Mendola “Learning about Farming: Innovation and social Networks in a Resettled Community in Brazil, submitted

José DE SOUSA (UPS), joint with Eve Colson-Sihra and Thierry Mayer, "Market Integration and Cultural Change in Consumption Patterns”, submitted

José DE SOUSA (UPS), joint with Amelie Guillin, Julie Lochard, and Arthur Silve, "Trust and Specialization in Complexity: Evidence from U.S. States”, submitted

José DE SOUSA (UPS), avec Alexis NOIR-LUHALWE, "Zoom or Room? Context Making Decision in a Team Game Show"

Commissioned Policy Reports:

Claire LELARGE (UPS), joint with Nicholas Lawson (UQAM) and Grigorios Spanos (GSEM), "Décomposer les mécanismes par lesquels le salaire minimum affecte la demande travail des entreprises et leur productivité: Analyse des stratégies organisationnelles des entreprises et de leurs implications en termes d’emploi, de salaires et de productivité", July 2022, 2022 Report to the French Low-Wage Commission, Appendix (pp. 140--178)