
Our Community

Young Israel members range in age from young children to older adults. Many young couples, ages 20-35 have joined our synagogue; some of these young adults are children of long-standing members who have married and decided to stay in the neighborhood and maintain their ties to the congregation.

There are over 100 children in the community ranging in age from 0-25. They attend kindergartens and primary schools in and around the neighborhood. High school students attend schools including Hartmann, Himmelfarb, Horev, Pelech, NeveHanna, Neve Shmuel, Evelina, and others. After military or national service, and/or yeshiva learning, most of the community’s youth go on to university and college.

Community members engage in a wide range of professions fields including rabbinics, social work, professorship, education, law, journalism, medicine, accounting, hi-tech, real-estate, insurance, business, tourism and much more.

The synagogue is governed by several committees that ensure regular operations and make important decisions relating to communal activities. The mandate and responsibilities of these committees are dictated by the approved bylaws.

Community Roles:

1. Rabbi Yitzhak Tachover – Community Rabbi.

2. Yossi Harel – Gabbay and chairman of the community.

3. Alan Birenbeaum - Gabbay and Acting Chairman of the community.

4.                                 – Treasurer.

Communal Committees:

1. Culture Committee – chaired by Tamar Fenigstein.

2. Finance Committee – chaired by  .

3. Religious Affairs Committee – chaired by Rabbi Tachover

4. Welfare and mutual aid committee.

Each committee is composed of about 10 community members

Helping those in Need: Our community provides emergency loans for those in need. The Fund is financed by contributions of community members and others and is managed by Rabbi Tachover. Rabbi Tachover works in full cooperation with the Ministry of Social Affairs to receive the names and details of those living in our neighborhood who need help.

There is also an additional  community charity fund called  ”Menachem Nafshi” which was founded 20 years ago in memory of Rabbi Tachover’s father. Interest-free loans are given to members of the community and residents of the neighborhood in amounts ranging from $500-$1000.

Each year before Passover a community-wide Kimcha de Pischa (Flour of Passover) drive is held which ensures that the neediest community members have the food and provisions for the holiday. We also extend open initiations to Shabbat and Holiday meals to new immigrants residing in the local absorption center as well as other disadvantaged families. Through the communal mutual Mishloach Manot efforts on Purim, we not only send each other festive food baskets but also fulfill the mitzvah of Matanot L’Evonim (Alms for the Poor).

Most recently, we have begun the process of receiving approval and permission to expand the Young Israel campus so that we can accommodate our growing congregation, add a banquet and events hall, and make the synagogue more accessible to residents.