Code of Conduct

Tallahassee Kickball Association Code of Conduct

By signing below I am agreeing to ensure, maintain and promote a welcoming and inclusive environment on the playing field and in all activities associated with Tallahassee Kickball Association (TKA), both on and off the field. I will create an environment that is free from harassment or discrimination as a member of the Tallahassee Kickball Association and while engaged in all related activities and in all Tallahassee Kickball Association related media sites.

All players, umpires and individuals associated with the Tallahassee Kickball Association who participate on the field and in sponsored activities have a duty to treat each other with respect and to maintain an environment free of misconduct and harassment. Misconduct includes but is not limited to alcohol misuse, illegal drug activity or use, hazing, fighting, disregard for policies and procedures and the destruction of fields or equipment.

Harassment is coercive or repeated, unsolicited and unwelcome verbal comments, gestures or physical contacts and includes retaliation for confronting or reporting harassment.

Harassment or misconduct will not be tolerated under any circumstances and will be dealt with in the appropriate manner which may include, but is not limited to, removal from a game, team, social sites or events sponsored by Tallahassee Kickball Association.

Examples of Harassment or Misconduct:

· Physical Conduct – unwelcome touching, standing too close, looking up and down an individual’s body, inappropriate or threatening staring or glaring, obscene, threatening or offensive gestures

· Verbal or Written Misconduct – inappropriate references to body parts, derogatory or demeaning comments or jokes about race, gender, religion, age, ethnicity or sexual orientation. Obscene letters to players, social media posts on TKA sites or threatening phone calls to players will not be tolerated

· Fighting – will not be tolerated on fields or at events and will result in the immediate removal of all players involved. If this results in one or more teams not having enough players left then that team(s) will forfeit the game. Equally fighting, bullying or other inappropriate behaviors will not be tolerated on any TKA social media sites and will result in the offending individual(s) having their access removed to these sites.

Rules and Regulations: All players will adhere to the City of Tallahassee rules and regulations for field use at all times. Failure to comply may result in the removal of an individual from a team.

All offenses must be reported to the Safety and Operations Chair for TKA to be reviewed and investigated. All decisions made by the Safety and Operations will be final.


The past year and a half has been rough on everyone, while we want to encourage community and fun, we must do so with the upmost safety in mind. TKA will abide by all local government mandates and regulations. Please be smart, play safe, social distance when available, wear a mask to your liking, and consider getting vaccinated. There will be NO REFUNDS issued.

By signing you agree to these terms as a member of the Tallahassee Kickball Association:

Name: ____________________________

Date: _____________________________