Predoctoral Research

I worked on these projects with the PolyPEDAL Lab at UC Berkeley when I was a Research Assistant between 2008-2010

Adding Inertia and Mass to Test Stability Predictions in Rapid Running Insects

with Sam Burden and Shai Revzen

Undergraduates: Jessie Ding and Debbie Li

Presented at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Conference January 2010 in Seattle, Washington

Tail Assisted Pitch Control in a Lizard, Robot, and Dinosaur

with Evan Chang-Siu, Tom Libby, Debbie Li, Daniel Cohen, and Ardian Jusufi

Undergraduate: Debbie Li

Presented at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Conference January 2012 in Charleston, South Carolina

taliaym [at] Google Scholar Profile Outreach