
Papers (peer-reviewed)

・Hosoe, M., Kuwano, M. & Moriyama, T. (2024). Change in travel demand under the COVID-19 pandemic using route-search history data. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.15, pp.961-973.

・Moriyama, T. (2024). Comparative study on excess distribution estimation in iid settings. Commun. Stat. - Theory Methods. accepted. 

・Moriyama, T. (2024). Comparative study on probability density estimators of sample maximum and data transformation. REVSTAT-STAT. J. accepted.

・Moriyama, T. (2024). Application of nonparametric approach to extreme value inference in distribution estimation of sample maximum and its properties. AUST. NZ. J. STAT. Journal. accepted.

・Moriyama, T. (2024). Reduction of potential boundary bias in kernel cumulative distribution estimation. J. Stat. Theory Pract. 18(1),

・Kuwano, M., Hosoe, M., Moriyama, T. (2023). Prediction of railroad user count using number of route searches via bivariate state–space modeling. J. Supercomp. 80, 4554-4576.

・Moriyama, T., Kuwano, M. & Nakayama, M. (2023). A statistical method for estimating piecewise linear sales trends. J. Mark. Anal. 12, 436-444.


・大江広高,桑野将司,細江美欧,森山卓,南野友香.(2022).全国版と地方版の経路検索サービスにおける検索件数の比較分析,都市計画論文集,57巻 3号,1288-1294. 

・Hosoe, M., Kuwano, M., Moriyama, T. (2022). Trip Purpose Inference Based on the Relationship between Route Search Records and Regional Characteristics. International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research. 20, 299-308.



Moriyama, T. & Kuwano, M. (2021). Causal inference for contemporaneous effects and its application to tourism product sales data. J. Mark. Anal. 10, 250-260.



・Hosoe, M., Kuwano, M., Moriyama, T. (2021). A method for extracting travel patterns using data polishing. Journal of Big Data. 8,



・Moriyama, T. & Maesono, Y. (2020). Conditional probability density and regression function estimations with transformation of data. Bull. inform. cybern. 52, 1-25.

・Moriyama, T. & Maesono, Y. (2020). New kernel estimators of the hazard ratio and their asymptotic properties. Ann. Inst. of Stat. Math. 72(1), 187-211.

・Moriyama, T. & Maesono, Y. (2018). Smoothed alternatives of the two-sample median and Wilcoxon's rank sum tests. Statistics. 52(5), 1096-1115.

・Maesono, Y., Moriyama, T. & Lu, M. (2018). Smoothed nonparametric tests and approximations of p-values. Ann. Inst. of Stat. Math. 70(5), 969-982.

・Moriyama, T. & Maesono, Y. (2016). Asymptotic properties of a kernel type estimator of a density ratio. Bull. inform. cybern. 48, 37-46.

Proceedings (peer-reviewed)

・Minamino, Y., Danjo, S., Kuwano, M., Moriyama, T., Inoue, S. (2023). Change-point Detection for Accuracy Improvement of Software Reliability Assessment. The 28th Issat International Conference on Reliability & Quality in Design. 156-160. 

・Moriyama, T., Hosoe, M., Kuwano, M., Minamino, Y. (2022). Extraction of Power Consumption Patterns using Non-negative Tucker Decomposition. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 3153-3161.

・Hamaya, S., Minamino, Y., Moriyama, T., Hosoe, M., Kuwano, M. (2022). Extraction of Sales Relevance from POS Data Based on Non negative Matrix Factorization with Regularization. The 27th Issat International Conference on Reliability & Quality in Design. 156-160. 

・Moriyama, T., Kuwano, M., Hosoe, M. (2021). Identification of Dates on which Spikes in Route Searches Occurred and Discussion of the Factors. The 14th international conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies. 13, 1-13.

・Hosoe, M., Kuwano, M., Moriyama, T., Miyazaki, K., Ito, M. (2019). Travel Pattern Extraction from Smart Card Data using Data Polishing. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 3563-3572.


・Moriyama, T. (2024). On tail inference in iid settings with nonnegative extreme value index. arXiv:2409.00906.


・Nonparametric inference based on kernel smoothed statistics,九州大学数理学府博士論文
