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Ise, T., and P.R. Moorcroft. 2010. Simulating boreal forest dynamics from perspectives of ecophysiology, resource availability, and climate change, Ecological Research 25:501-511.

Ise, T., A.L. Dunn, S.C. Wofsy, and P.R. Moorcroft. 2008. High sensitivity of peat decomposition to climate change through water-table feedback. Nature Geoscience 1:763-766.

Ise, T. and H. Sato. 2008. Representing subgrid-scale edaphic heterogeneity in a large-scale ecosystem model: A case study in the circumpolar boreal regions. Geophysical Research Letters 35, L20407, doi:10.1029/2008GL035701.

Ise, T. and P.R. Moorcroft. 2008. Quantifying local factors in medium-frequency trends of tree ring records: Case study in Canadian boreal forests. Forest Ecology and Management 256:99-105.

Ise, T. and P.R. Moorcroft. 2006. The global-scale temperature and moisture dependencies of soil organic carbon decomposition: an analysis using a mechanistic decomposition model. Biogeochemistry 80:217-231.


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陸面と大気のフィードバックが気候に与える影響:植生モデルの果たすべき役割 (Simulating land-atmosphere feedbacks in the earth climate system: recent progress in a dynamic vegetation model) 日本地球惑星科学連合2009年大会 (2009年5月, 幕張)

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High temperature sensitivity of peat decomposition due to physical-biogeochemical feedback. 1st International Symposium on the Arctic Research (2008年11月, 東京)

High temperature sensitivity of peat decomposition due to physical-biogeochemical feedback. (2008年10月, 国立環境研究所)

Quantifying local factors in medium-frequency trends of tree ring records: Case study from Canadian boreal forests. アメリカ生態学会 (2008年, 米国ミルウォーキー).

High temperature sensitivity of peat decomposition due to physical-biogeochemical feedback. 第12回日米地球変動ワークショップ (2008年7月, デンバー、NCAR).

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High temperature sensitivity of peat decomposition due to physical-biogeochemical feedback. (2008年5月, USDA Forest Service)

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Carbon dynamics in peatland: implications to climate change. March 2008. 55th Conference of the Ecological Society of Japan, Fukuoka, Japan. Oral presentation.

“Fast limits to peat bog growth”: A dynamic, mechanistic simulation of interacting peat carbon, hydrology, and thermal dynamics. August 2007. Ecological Society of America / Society of Ecological Restoration Joint Meeting at San Jose, California. Oral presentation.

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Herald Sun. 2008. October 13. Climate threatens peat, threatens climate. Newspaper article.

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環境研究総合推進費 「北極高緯度土壌圏における近未来温暖化予測の高精度化に向けた観測及びモデル開発研究」 平成22年度から24年度 2,980,983円(平成22年度実績)